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Trump again attacks media at Florida rally


Washington, Feb 19 US President Donald Trump at a rally in Florida again attacked the media as "fake news" and renewed pledges on Obamacare and border security.

"They just don't want to report the truth," Trump on Saturday told the crowd of about 9,000 people in Melbourne.

Addressing an event little changed from the rallies he gave on the campaign trail, the Republican called the media as "part of the problem" and "part of the corrupt system".

"They have their own agenda, and their agenda is not your agenda," NBC News quoted the President as saying.

Trump's attacks on the media came a day after the President on Twitter named five organisations, calling them "fake" news media and "the enemy of the American people".

Trump earned applause for saying he would repeal and replace Obamacare, a line that consistently ushered in some of his loudest praise from crowds across the country in 2016.

He promised a new healthcare plan to replace it "in a couple of weeks".

It would be "great", he said, but did not expand further as to what it might entail.

The President also previewed a new executive order to replace his court-blocked order temporarily suspending entry to the US of citizens from seven Muslim nations.

"We will do something next week, I think you'll be impressed," Trump said.

He complained about the appeals court judges who refused to reinstate his executive order, which critics have called a "Muslim ban". Trump has denied that.

He called the judges' ruling "very sad" and read part of a statute giving authority to the President in matters of immigration and national security.

"If you have a college education, you can understand it. If you have a high school education, you can understand it. If you were a bad student in high school, you can understand it," Trump said of the statute.

Trump's Florida rally came at the end of a turbulent few weeks that saw court defeats over his travel restriction, and the resignation of his National Security Adviser Michael Flynn after he misled Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with Russia's ambassador to the US.

Trump told the crowd gathered in a hangar at the Orlando Melbourne International Airport that his administration was on the right track.

"I hear your demands, I hear your voices, and I promise you I will deliver," Trump said.

"And by the way, you've seen what we've accomplished in a very short period of time -- the White House is running so smoothly, so smoothly."

Trump said he "inherited one big mess" from the Obama administration.

He reminded the crowd that the November 8 election was supposed to be "the greatest defeat in the modern history of American politics -- and it was, for the Democrats, not the Republicans".