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Trump slams Hillary Clinton for playing 'blame game'


Washington, Sep 15
US President Donald Trump said his former Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, "blames everybody but herself for her election loss" last November.

Trump's tweets came as CNN broadcast an interview on Wednesday with Clinton regarding the release of her new book, "What Happened", in which the former Secretary of State rehashes her defeat.

Minutes after the interview aired, Trump tweeted: "Crooked Hillary Clinton blames everybody (and every thing) but herself for her election loss. She lost the debates and lost her direction!"

As in the book, Clinton used the interview to blame, among others, former FBI Director James Comey; Russian President Vladimir Putin; former Democratic rival Senator Bernie Sanders; and the US electoral system for her defeat, Efe news reported.

Clinton said she lost the presidential election a week before Election Day when Comey told Congress he was reopening part of the investigation into the former First Lady's emails.

"That was the determinative day because it stopped my momentum," the 69-year-old Clinton said. "I don't blame voters for wondering what the heck was going on."

Regarding Sanders, Clinton said the Vermont senator committed the "political sin" of not unifying the party by withdrawing from the race earlier in the primaries, doing "lasting damage" to her campaign.