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OFBJP-USA exposes Rahul Gandhi’s lies ​


​NEW YORK: ​Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP) – USA strongly denounces Congress Party’s Vice President, Mr. Rahul Gandhi’s derogatory statements against India, its democratic traditions, independence movement, deceptive statements on terrorism, and supporting political dynasty during his recent tour of USA. His entire tour of USA is a façade to mask his utterly failed leadership and churlish ideas.

No one could comprehend his purpose of US tour but if he is attempting an outreach to Indian Diaspora to seek their support, he has failed miserably in this objective because the Indian Diaspora is amused and not convinced by his calling Mahatma Gandhi, Jawahar Lal Nehru et al as NRIs and terming the freedom movement as the NRI movement.

While speaking at famous Berkeley University, Mr. Rahul Gandhi justified his political heirship by announcing that India runs on dynasty. People were laughing at his such deplorable defense of his very existence in politics. India does not run by dynasty but Congress Party does run by Gandhi-Nehru dynasty and yes, some of the regional parties. India has the best democratic traditions and is run by its Constitution in which there is no place for dynastic rule.

His comparison to business organizations and film industry with dynastic traditions is another dismal example to justify his party to perpetuate dynastic politics. OFBJP President, Krishna Reddy Anugula said, “The real question is why the nation has to suffer for the sake of one family. A nation cannot be equated with a business house. You cannot put 1.3 billion people under a failed dynasty”.

Rahul excels in perpetuating lies as a true follower of Goebbels that you if you tell a lie a thousand times, it would become a fact. He falsely claimed that the Congress party destroyed terrorism’s backbone in Kashmir during previous UPA government but during the last two year tenure of BJP and PDF government in Jammu and Kashmir saw increased violence and terrorism in Kashmir. First, Rahul Gandhi needs to understand that the entire issue of violence and terrorism in Kashmir is a product of Congress party’s failed policies in Kashmir. His great grandfather Mr. Nehru was the creator of the Kashmir problem, and each successive Congress government only made it worse by making anti-India deals with Abdullah family.

Second, for the first time after Modi government assumed office just three years ago, militancy has been in steep decline. Number of Pakistan sponsored terrorists including top commanders of the terrorist organizations are being eliminated daily in Kashmir. Those people supporting separatists in cash and kind have been identified, arrested and prosecuted. Pakistan’s evil role in this terrorism has been exposed at world stage. UN has designated many Pak based terrorist organizations and their leaders as global terrorists. Today Pakistan stands exposed as a rogue nation harboring terrorists and rightly is being termed as “Terroristan”. World recognizes that all roads of terrorism lead to Pakistan, the epicenter of terrorism.

Third, it is this NDA government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi that has shown the courage to carry out successful surgical strike to destroy the terrorist launch pads across the line of control causing heavy causalities of Pak trained terrorists. This showed the world that India would not compromise on its integrity and sovereignty and would take whatever steps are needed.

Rahul Gandhi made a self-contradictory statement by saying Modi is a better communicator and knows how to send message to 3-4 different groups of people at once, but he does not converse with the people whom he works. How can one be a better communicator without conversing with your own people? “Modi was the most successful chief minister of India before he won a land slide historical victory in 2014 parliamentary elections and subsequent assembly elections held in the last 3 years including the largest state of Uttar Pradesh” said Prof. Dinesh Agrawal, OFBJP Past President. “People have rejected corrupt Nehru-Gandhi dynasty that looted India and caused misery to the population, and now this dynastic rule cannot be revived.”, he added.

Rahul Gandhi said GST and Demonetization have destroyed jobs and will have adverse impact on economy. Contrary to his doomsday predictions, the bold steps of GST and demonetization have cleansed the system; it has added 56 lakhs new tax payers. Cash Deposits worth 2.89 lakh crores are under investigation, 2.1 lakh shell companies de-registered and 3 lakh suspected companies are under radar. These are long time measures and its impact will be very positive for India. Mr. Gandhi is literally telling lies about these measures, whereas, facts and figures cry something else. Congress party’s dynasty has always thrived on fear mongering, outright lies, unprecedented corruption, and dictatorship.

He has been inactive during parliament sessions and failed miserably to serve his constituents. Most of the times his party does not allow parliament to run smoothly by resorting to obstructionist methods but he shamelessly speaks about non-functional parliament. Whom is he trying to hoodwink in this digital age? In his final speaking engagement in New York, he again talked about divisive politics. “He should look at the history of the congress party and how it has been dividing the country for vote bank politics”, said Dr. Vasudev Patel, OFBJP Organizing Secretary.

Rahul Gandhi, during this trip, repeatedly said that India’s major challenge is the concentration of power. We agree with that observation. In fact, people of India agree and that is the reason people have thrown out the Congress party from power, because Rahul’s Gandhi-Nehru-Maino dynasty kept political power within themselves for the last 70 years. Vice President, Dr. Adapa Prasad said, “if his tour was designed to impress the Indian Diaspora or a dry run before assuming the office of President of his Congress party, then he failed miserably in this test as well”. Indian Diaspora is fully aware of how Congress Party’s rule debased India at the world stage and harmed every interest of the country starting from his Great Grandfather Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru through the leadership of his Mother Sonia Maino Gandhi”, he added