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Interview with Keith Hahn contesting for Mayor of Edison



Q&A with Keith Hahn

“An election can’t be won in this town without support from South Asians”

Keith Hahn, the former chairman of the Edison Democratic Organization, is now running as the Republican candidate against Democratic Mayor Thomas Lankey in the November mayoral election. Hahn, has replaced Gaetano "Guy" Gaspari, who resigned as the GOP party's mayoral candidate earlier this month. In an exclusive interview with the Indian Express, New York Edition, Hahn spoke about his politics and priorities. Excerpts:

What makes you run for Mayor of Edison? What made you switch from Chairman of Edison Democrats to a Mayor candidate from Republican party?

After being a police officer in Edison for 23 years and seeing simple common sense solutions to what our current elected officials want us to believe are complicated problems, my wife drew the line in the sand and told me you either have to stop complaining about everything or do something about it. So when the Republican candidate stepped down and I was asked to run, the decision was more about making Edison a better place than switching parties.

What is really wrong with Edison leadership? Can you share three major areas that need to be fixed?

Cronyism, Nepotism and Favoritism. If we hire competent people who are able to do their job without political influence your solving a big part of the problem right there. The other thing you need to do is show up to work everyday. Our current Mayor is only part time, he works full time as a Senior Vice President at JFK Hospital and is also the Chairman of the Board at Magyar Bank a company publicly traded on the Nasdaq. The other thing we can do is utilize modern technology to make our neighborhoods safer such as fixed cameras in strategic locations that can assist the police when investigating crimes.

What is your perception of South Asians in Edison especially Indian community?

My wife and I are lifelong residents, and we've taken our kids to Navratri, Ganesh and Diwali festivals. South Asians have been part of the fabric of our community for the past 20 years and it's embraced.

What role do you see for our community? Are we support system and essentially donors with deep pockets?

Your role is essential, an election can’t be won in this town without support from the South Asian community. The problem with Mayor Lankey is he surrounds himself with the likes of federally convicted felon Nilesh Dasondi, he appointed Sam Khan, who lied about his Edison address; to the planning board and hired his campaign manager to run the Department of Public Works despite a lack of qualifications. Coincidentally enough they all contribute financially to his campaign.

How do you expect to improve the political system?

As I said earlier you hire competent people, who can do their job without politics.

Indian community has been in forefront to contribute to the business growth of Edison? But no serious industry or leading company has come up from Edison in a long time. Why?

It's a lack of vision and initiative on behalf of the current administration. Being the birthplace of recorded sound and the light bulb Edison is uniquely positioned to recruit new STEM sector companies to Edison. There is no better location geographically, we have a highly educated and diverse workforce, unfortunately for us our neighbor Woodbridge does this much better and is usually the first choice for businesses looking to move to the area.

How do we migrate from small business to business leaders?

Leadership, vision and a commitment from the Mayor's Office to help business's grow and stay in Edison. Recently the e commerce company Boxed, which was founded by a JPS grad moved out of Edison. No one from the Mayor's office even tried to keep them here.

What is your view on law and order? How do you plan to improve the situation?

Historically, Edison is a very safe and family friendly community and our police officers do a tremendous job day in and day out. Unfortunately the Mayor has failed miserably as we still do not have a single South Asian Detective or Supervisor. He has also failed when it comes to hiring Edison residents. Hiring a police officer or firefighter who grew up here and went to school here just makes sense and would help diversify throughout the ranks.

What about education system? Does it need to be taken to the next level and how?

Again, Mayor Lankey has failed miserably over the past four years to work collectively with the Board of Ed to address the overcrowding in our schools and the lack of full day kindergarten. Working collectively with the BOE as they do in Woodbridge would help us take an already good school system to the next level.

Would you appoint Indian-Americans in key position? Will you pick youngsters or experienced mature leaders?

Absolutely, but they will have to be qualified, competent and willing to do their job without political interference. Experienced mature leaders get the first look if they are willing, but you need to provide opportunities for younger people to have have stability in the future.

Are you for middle or Upper class?

I grew up in South Edison, graduated Edison High School and have worked as a police officer for the past 23 years so almost everyone I know is middle class. But we can do a much better job of being business friendly, and encouraging our wealthy residents who own businesses to bring them or keep them in Edison.

Is raising tax the only way to meet growing demands of Edison township? What are other ways you plan to grow treasury?

Absolutely not. Edison receives very little in state aid on both the Municipal side as well as the Board of Ed side but no one from Trenton is going to call and say "Hey Edison, we short changed you five million dollars in state aid, can you come down and pick up your check." Your going to have to fight for it. Time and effort will have to be committed to fighting for our residents, something you can not do as a part time mayor like Mayor Lankey.

In your opinion, is it Republican vs Democrats or Keith vs Tom? Should people vote for party or individuals?

It's not about politics or party, it's about people and giving the people of Edison a choice. Your choice for the next four years just happens to be Keith or Tom.

What are three immediate actions you will take if elected?

First, sit down and meet with the Board of Education to begin working towards the overcrowding issue, something Mayor Lankey has failed to do the past four years.

Secondly, meet with leadership in Trenton to secure funding for infrastructure projects that Mayor Lankey has failed to address the past four years.
and thirdly, most importantly hire and promote Edison residents who are qualified, competent and willing to do their jobs without political affiliation, something Mayor Lankey has also failed horribly at.
