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Babu Bhagavathar (Bhajan Samrats in Mumbai - 3: Thodupuzha K. Shankar Mumbai)


In this Kaliyuga, Vedas have prescribed three most essential requisites to develop and propagate devotion. They are Satsangam, Saranagati and Namasankeerthanam. Satsangam is the quality of righteous devotees to mingle rapturously, rather elatedly, with similar -minded people. In fact, out of the four Yugas in order, it is firmly believed by the vedic erudite school of thought that Kaliyuga is the best yuga for practising boundless devotion. Devotion, done with utmost selfless passion can strike the divine chords of all deities and move them to shower blessings to the salvation- seekers. Then, Saranagati is the final stage of absolute unconditional surrender to the Almighty Lord or to reach the ultimate destination. Salvation! Prahlada and Markandeya are classic examples of selfless devotion. Ultimately, we come to the conclusion that Bhakti or devotion to the Almighty God demands ChithaSudhi or purity of mind, a sine qua non for spiritual uplift. Bhakti, Jnana and Vairagya are the essential requisites to tread the path of God-realisation. The first and foremost condition is absolute unconditional surrender to the Almighty!

As the devotee progressively moves ahead, he finds that besides Satsangam and Saranagati, there is another potential sphere of devotion by name Namasankeertanam which can stir any mind to dance in spiritual inebriation. We have heard that Sant Tukaram, Namdeo and Janabhai who, with their intense devotion and unconditional dedication, have experienced the manifestation of God's presence in every object they behold. They relinquished all material pleasures in the world and knew only devotion and dedication for the pursuit of spiritual activities. Devotion is, therefore, the only option for spiritual uplift and attainment of salvation. The very purpose of human birth and the very purpose of life is to achieve this object of fulfilment or accomplishment of life. Then only, the very purpose of mission on earth will be complete. Only a peaceful, contented and dedicated person with no expectation of fruit of his action in return, can be successful in spiritual life.

Of all spiritual methods, therefore, Namasankeertanam, the art of singing and praising the Lord's grace grandeur and resplendence in group, is emerging as the most powerful and important way to propitiate the deities and therefore, bhajan is gaining remarkable momentum in this Kali yuga! Now it has become an integral part of our culture and is practised so vigorously in all temples, social circles and spiritual centres. In this pursuit of Namasankeertanam, many vocalists and classical songsters emerged and thus the culture of group- singing in praise of the Lord has become an integral part of our social life. This particular genre or art has generated more enthusiasm among the people of all ages. In our daily life, every material activity or experience, whatever it be, one easily loses interest in everything after a particular stage/age and everything becomes humdrum, when the initial enthusiasm slowly withers away. But, the only activity which every normal individual would never get tired of, but aspires for incessant involvement, is DEVOTION, which he cherishes with unremitting passion and dedication, while treading the path of God- realisation. Devotion and dedication are, therefore, the true blessings of God and not anybody's choice.

In these series of Feature Articles, I wish to analyse comprehensively, the spiritual services being rendered by the several Bhajan Samrats of Mumbai. There are hundreds of Bhajan groups here, functioning in their areas and presenting their soulful performances in various languages in their respective areas with elan and éclair and the devotees listening and singing in tune with the singers rhythmically. Here, my humble attempt is to pick up some of our familiar Tamil Bhajan Samrats from various parts of Mumbai, who have specialised in this genre with rich classical background and are presenting their sterling performances not only in India, but also abroad. Now let us peep into their challenging music journey and much celebrated performances one by one.



For a born musician, a mellifluous voice is always a boon and the boon brings boom and bonanza. His regular dedicated practice and strictness in regimen slowly dilates his musical knowledge and expands the horizon of his confidence. The more he learns, the greater he realizes that what is to be learned further, is much more than what he has learned hitherto. This realization fosters humility. Such a realised soul always remains a cynosure or centre of attraction for all. But, though such souls are dwindling in number every day, the protagonist in this article on the Bhajan Samrats in Mumbai, Shri N. R. Ranganathan, popularly known as BABU BHAGAVATHAR in Mumbai as well as all over, is definitely an exception. Down to earth by nature, Shri BabuBhagavathar, always wears a serene smile on his face and speaks so cordially, preading warmth and quietude around him.

Babu, the second son pf his father Sri N N Ranganathan, fondly known as Bhajan Rangan, had the privilege of being his father's disciple and thus his initial tutelage in classical music and Sampradaya or traditional Bhajans. His two brothers viz, Shri Rajan and Shri Hari too like Babu, are sincerely following in the foot- steps of their father Shri N N Ranganatha Bhagavathar, in complete sense. He also had the privilege of attending Thirupukazh Bhajans conducted by Guru Shri. Subbaraman, popularly known as Thirupukazh Papa. Though he didn't receive any formal training in music like his father, he could easily grasp the essential, basic principles and capture the audience by dint of his resonating voice quality and powerful stamina to sing untiringly for long hours in programs.

A few lines on his family

He has two brothers, Sri Narayanan (Rajan) and Hariharan(Hari) who are also well trained Bhajan singers in Mumbai. Sri Narayanan retired as Executive Director from H P C L Mumbai, while Sri Hariharan is working as Vice President in a well-known company in Mumbai. His father Sri N N Ranganathan, retired as accounts Manager from Balmer Lawrie and co. He was a passionate Bhajan singer and had created a record of having performed about 5000 Bhajans in Major cities in India.

Sri Babu's wife's name is Smt. Parvathy and they have two daughters, both are graduates and well-settled in Dubai. With the benevolent blessings of all Gods and Goddesses, whom he is propitiating with Bhajans and Poojas every day, all are happily settled and leading a harmonious life in their respective laces. Sri Babu is working with a well-known Hospital in Mumbai as Adviser, Corporate Relations. He belongs to Palakkad in Kerala.

He is not only concerned about the present, but also more anxious about the future of Bhajan culture. With this end in view, he has already started imparting training to enthusiastic younger generation so that they can carry forward, what they learn, to future. Otherwise, the spirit of this culture will wither away or evaporate with the passage of time. Such is his far sight. Of courseevery musician is as much worried about the future of this genre, as he is worried about the contemporary situation. Then only, the empire he is building up will survive and continue. It is not a cakewalk as many may think, but, involves enormous sacrifice of comforts, persistent, vigorous practice and determination. Above all, the blessings of Goddess Saraswatimata!

BabuBhagavathar has successfully groomed over seventy- five devotees so far in this line and still, continues his spiritual journey with the support of his disciples. He is presently imparting training in Sampradaya or traditional Bhajans to the youngsters of Brindavan Society in Thane Mumbai. In reciprocation, his disciples are giving programs successfully all over Mumbai and other parts of the country.

As an apt recognition of his services in the field of Namasankeerthanam, he was conferred the following titles:

1) Bhakti GanaPraveena Ratnam - by Shri Shakti VadiveluSwamikal of Om NamasivayaAhram Chennai and

2) Samaj Shakti Award - by HariharaputhraSamaj, Mumbai.

As a matter of fact, Sri Babu himself has performed Namasankeertanam in and around Mumbai, besides, other major cities in India on many occasions. He was invited thrice by the Krishna Gana Sabha Chennai, especially for performing Thirupukazh Bhajan there. He has also conducted Namasakeertanam at KalpathyBhajanotsavam at Palakkad Kerala on two occasions and another by his group of disciples viz. Divine Children of Brindavan , Thane Mumbai. They stood first in Mumbai audition test when Sankara Channel conducted Bhajan Samrat 1 and 2 selection, but, could not participate further due to paucity of time and the school children - studying in 9th and 10th - were not granted permission by the school authorities to complete the finals.

He was also invited to perform Bhajans during Kumbabhishekam festivals in Kerala. His team has performed Namasankeertanams in Beharain on the occasion of Makara Sankranti day on 14TH January -2007. Nevertheless, he had to refuse many invitations in India and abroad many times due to official commitments.

Despite his busy official schedules, Sri Babu conducts Bhajans on all Saturdays and Sundays vis a vis his regular classes on week days from Monday to Friday. During Mandalam period (pilgrimage to Sabarimala) November- December every year, more than 50 Bhajans are conducted within Mumbai City and outside. Apart from usual Bhajans, Sri Babu and his team perform Thirupukazh Bhajans and DivyanamaSankeerthanam during the Tamil month Purattasi, ie (Sept-Oct) and also Kalyanotsavams.

Every human being descends upon this earth with a mission and one should inevitably have a vision of his mission. Almighty God has instilled adequate intelligence and talent in everyone which some souls express very early, while the rest strike it after some time and develop there onwards. Music dance and acting require instinct and everything indeed, is a gift of God.

It is obvious that Sri BabuBhagavathar had identified the instinct embedded in him and he nourished it with regular inputs of timely tutelage and practice for many ears. He has made many strides in the arena of this genre and he is still continuing this musical exercise with unremitting enthusiasm. With the result, the has now become a very seasoned Bhajan icon and besides giving programs across the country as well as abroad, he is taking care of the future of the Bhajan culture also by imparting regular training to the younger generation and grooming a batch of disciples so that no vacuum will ever be created. Such a far-sight is what is needed to protect our cultures from oblivion or decadence.

I had the privilege of attending the bhajan program of Sri Babu and that of his batch on two occasions and I really enjoyed the exemplary spirit and vigour exhibited by the various singers.

It deserves special mention here that Sri Babu's Bhajan group represent Shree HariharaputhraSamaj (H P B S) Chembur Mumbai. H P B S is also involved in Namasankeerthan by inviting well- known Bhagavathals(those engaged in Bhajan etc) and taking care of them during their stay here. This responsibility has been entrusted to Sri BabuBhagavathar, by the Committee. One of the Bhagavathals expressed that H P B S is the best Bhajan team, promoting Bhakti cult through Namasankeerthan, with utmost attention and dedication.

Let us, while appreciating and admiring his dedication and sense of commitment, extend our best wishes to him and all his family members for long and healthy life, nay, also for continuing this legacy and achieving greater success in all his spiritual endeavours and winning more awards and recognitions in the years ahead!




Thodupuzha K. Shankar Mumbai

(Poet and Journalist)