Title: The Mind of a Terrorist - The Strange Case of David Headley; Author: Kaare Sorensen/Cory Klingsporn (Translator); Publisher: Penguin Books; Pages: 376; Price: Rs 599...
As we look forward to celebrating the 2nd International Yoga Day, we must understand yoga in totality. Yoga is one of the greatest wealths of humankind....
It was a cool rainy day on June 19, 1966, that a frail, young political cartoonist with fiery eyes assembled a loose 'Army of Shivaji' and launched the Shiv Sena for espousing the case and cause of 'sons of the soil'....
Highlights of the Shiv Sena's 50-year-long journey in politics:...
A decision on such an important appointment dealing with the party's poll prospects in the state must have been taken at the highest level in the "ma-betey ki party", as Narendra Modi used to call the Congress during his campaign in the last general election....
Regular yoga practice can help you in achieving true inner and external beauty like flawless skin, shiny hair and a slim figure. Yoga can rejuvenate your skin and make you look gorgeous by improving physical features and skin conditions. You do not have to be born beautiful. It can be acquired....
There is a "sea change" in the perception by Dalits, backward class and scheduled tribes in the last two years towards the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) largely due to the pro-active role taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan has said....
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Friday expressed regret that an Islamic cleric, who once said AIDS was a fitting punishment for being a homosexual, was invited to a government-hosted dinner....
The maximum, all-inclusive air fare of Rs 2,500 proposed in the new aviation policy for travel up to one hour or around 600 km is welcome for promoting regional connectivity. But it isn't really low, going by existing tariff of carriers, analysts feel....
In a bid to curb self-injury and suicide episodes in India, social networking giant Facebook on rolled out updated suicide prevention tools in collaboration with local partners in English and Hindi....