Prime Minister Narendra Modi's sartorial taste continued to create waves as multiple designers made a splash in the growing segment of menswear and 2015 turned out to be a year for the style-conscious male to rejoice. ...
The brain devotes more processing resources to social situations that signal threat than those that are benign and anxious people process those threats using regions of the brain responsible for action, says a study....
In what could be a dampener for partygoers this New Year's Eve, the Indian Performing Right Society (IPRS), the owner of copyright on musical and literary works, has decided to issue legal notice to event organisers for evading mandatory licences for commercial use of music....
The Congress's 131st birthday, which was observed by the party on Monday, could not have been a happy occasion. True, the party has lately shown faint signs of life after its humiliating drubbing in the 2014 general election....
Of the over 200 Tamil films released this year, there were a few that may not have necessarily created an impact at the box office but they appealed to a mixed audience with their unique storylines, talent and formats. ...
The release of Shahrukh Khan’s film Dilwale (December 2015) was accompanied by protests by Shiv Sena and other Hindutva groups. These protests were supposedly against his comment on the growing intolerance in India....
The AAP's dramatic rise and the comeback of Lalu Prasad and Nitish Kumar in Bihar marked the first full year of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who analysts say is still going strong though his earlier sheen has worn off....
Soaring pollution levels, crippling floods, quivering Richter notes to scores of environment laws awaiting their implementation - this, in short, was India's environmental standing this year. As alarming as the climatic challenges posed to the nation have been, India is still found ...
No matter how much Delhiites groove to the tunes of international Disc Jockeys (DJ) like Tiesto and David Guetta, when it comes to a hardcore party, nothing gets them moving like the Bollywood and Punjabi songs do, say owners and DJs at nightclubs here....
It was not a usual humdrum year of "saas-bahu" sagas on the Indian television. From stepping into the past for a historical affair, giving visual transition to the tales of Indian mythologies to a dose of horror, the stories on the small screen opted for non-conventional path to entertain audiences in 2015. ...