The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Saturday flew in Rs 5,000 crore in a heavily guarded cargo plane to cash parched Uttar Pradesh, an official said. The state was reeling under a grave cash crunch since the November 8 demonetisition of higher currency notes, leading to chaos, anger and law and order situation at many places. The money soo...
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday criticised the central government's move to exempt political parties from income tax while depositing demonetised currency. Banerjee accused the government of creating a division between the public and political parties. The criticism came after the government on Friday exempted polit...
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday criticised the government move to exempt political parties from income tax while depositing demonetised currency notes and accused them of holding most of the black money. Kejriwal's criticism came after the government on Friday exempted political parties from income tax while depositing o...
The year 2016 would go down in the annals of the Indian insurance industry history as the one in which the central government was the driving force in increasing non-life insurance penetration and awareness with various schemes, experts said. The year also saw an acquisitive HDFC group with its non-life company HDFC Ergo G...
The Grand Musee de Parfum, Paris' first perfume museum, opened its doors here, inviting visitors to discover perfume history through a quite innovative sensory and olfactory exhibition. The Grand Musee du Parfum, which opened for public on Friday, is created after noting the absence of an emblematic place of French perfumery in Paris despite the sector's flouris...
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said the world needs to press ahead in the struggle against climate change. In his final press conference as Secretary-General, Ban on Friday said the UN must maintain the impetus that resulted in the signing of the Paris Agreement on climate change, Xinhua news agency reported. "Climate action means...
Automobile manufacturer Honda Cars India (HCIL) on Friday proposed a price hike of up to three per cent across all its models....
The government wants public help in its crackdown on black money -- on Friday it set up an email-ID and encouraged people to give information about hoarders of illicit cash....
Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley laid the foundation stone of a new domestic airport at Adampur near Jalandhar in Punjab on Friday. Spread over 40 acres, the airport terminal will cater to the air connectivity needs of Punjab's Doaba belt, the area between Beas and Sutlej rivers comprising the districts of Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur,...
Christmas is a week or so away but the cash crunch in the wake of the November 8 demonetisation has cast a long shadow over the Yuletide spirit in Kerala. The winter chill has set in, cakes and other goodies begun to be displayed in shops while Christmas decorations like stars, garlands, baubles, tinsel and other knick-knacks have ...