Indian actor Ali Fazal was super excited to meet Bollywood's evergreen beauty Sridevi and Hollywood actor-director Dustin Hoffman at a gala dinner in Los Angeles earlier this week. Ali, who is currently in the US to promote his film "Victoria & Abdul", attended the annual Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) dinner. It was a fan boy moment for Ali when ...
Varun Teja starrer Telugu drama "Fidaa", a love story set against the backdrop of Telangana, has grossed Rs 60 crore worldwide in two weeks, making it the biggest grosser in filmmaker Sekhar Kammula's career. "The film's two weeks share is Rs 34.8 crore and gross is Rs 60 crore. The film has won over audiences from all quarters," read a stat...
Dance is the essence of India, we Indians show myriad emotions through our varied...
Actor Ketan Singh, who will feature in a triple role in TV comedy show "Shankar...
A Delhi boy, who once dreamt of becoming an actor, is today regarded as the 'King...
During his days as a junior artiste in showbiz, he was told he can't be cast as ...
Double Oscar-winning composer A.R. Rahman may perform live at the audio launch ...
Actor Rana Daggubati, who is proud of forthcoming Telugu political drama "Nene...
Film: "Jab Harry Met Sejal"; Director: Imtiaz Ali; Cast: Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka ...
"Chandralekha", featuring Jacqueline Fernandez, has just arrived, and the song's...