Bollywood celebrities Vishal Dadlani and Anubhav Sinha on Tuesday backed Delhi University student Gurmehar Kaur for her online campaign against the ABVP, with veteran writer Javed Akhtar taking on Union Minister Kiren Rijiju for his "grossly biased" views....
Actress Shraddha Kapoor has praised Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan for being what she called an inspiring, artistic and a responsible person. ...
Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan says he gets upset when he doesn't get enough time to spend with his family and friends that he grew up with....
Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra seemed to have some fun while interviewing Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston along with model Chrissy Teigen at the backstage of the 89th Academy Awards here. ...
Actor Rahul Bose, who has returned to direction with "Poorna" 16 years after he helmed "Everybody Says I'm Fine", finds it more fulfilling to go behind the camera than face one....
Actor Casey Affleck feels "blessed" with his career after picking up the Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role. ...
Actor Samuel L. Jackson says he only likes to attend the Academy Awards if they present him a goody bag....
Popular TV hosts Jimmy Fallon, Trevor Noah, Conan OBrien, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen...
Actor Rahul Bose, who has returned to direction with "Poorna" 16 years after he...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences says it "deeply" regrets "the ...