The Tamil Nadu government’s health department has increased surveillance in several villages of Coimbatore District against the spread of the dreaded West Nile Virus and deployed 12 Mobile Medical Teams (MMT) to screen people in 12 blocks. ...
The Delhi High Court has granted bail to Sanjay Kansal, an accused in a money laundering case, after he turned approver in a related CBI investigation....
Just three-night shifts may be enough to raise your risk of several diseases like diabetes, obesity, and other metabolic disorders, finds a study....
A simple oral rinse may be key to check early risks of gastric cancer -- the fourth-leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, according to a study on Thursday. ...
The Kerala Government Medical Officers Association (KGMOA), a body of doctors working in the government hospitals, has complained about the alleged breaking of protocols by Thiruvananthapuram District Collector Jeromic George, who had summoned a doctor home to treat an infection....
In the wake of a Rottweiler dog attacking a five-year-old girl in Chennai, the Tamil Nadu Animal Husbandry Department on Thursday banned any import, breeding, or sale of 33 breeds of dogs that have been termed "dangerous" for people....
Female sex hormone oestrogen and the X chromosome play a significant role in making women more vulnerable to the autoimmune disorder lupus’, said experts on World Lupus Day on Friday. ...
A team of Chinese scientists has discovered that the sea surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean can predict the magnitude of global dengue epidemics. ...
Rajasthan Health Minister Gajendra Singh Khimsar said that the fake NOCs issued in organ transplant cases seem like a scam worth crores, and those accused will not be spared. ...
As British-Swedish pharma giant AstraZeneca recalled its Covid-19 vaccine globally, Pune-based Serum Institute of India (SII) on Wednesday said it stopped the manufacturing and supply of additional doses of Covishield in December 2021....