Teenagers who consume a diet low in vegetables and high in sugar-sweetened and di...
Researchers have identified 35 mosquito species, including 26 previously unsuspected...
Eating seaweed might have provided the key nutrients that helped Homo sapiens...
If you listen to happy or peaceful music, you recall positive memories, whereas if...
Eating a walnut-enriched diet with 75 grams of walnuts every day may improve sperm...
Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins when used alongside chemotherapy trea...
Dogs and two-year-old children show similar patterns in social intelligence, much...
Researchers have developed a computer method called ZeitZeiger that uses a simple...
The ovarian reserve -- pool of eggs present in the ovaries -- is depleting due th...
In a rare medical case, a 50-year-old man here underwent surgery for removal of...