Treating schizophrenia patients with high-dose B-vitamins -- including B6, B8 and ...
In a bid to foray into a new era of tech-powered healthcare, Intelenet Global Services -- a Mumbai-based business process service provider -- on Thursday launched a mobile app called Radius that can help transform the nursing allocation process....
Debunking the view that males just pass on genetic material and not much else to ...
If you thought that only women suffer depression during pregnancy as well as post...
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of babies at 6 and 12 months with older siblings...
Researchers have identified a protein that shows promise as a biocontrol weapon ...
In a breakthrough that could transform the despair of diabetics into dimples of...
Regular intake of Vitamin D supplements may help protect against cold and flu, as...
More than half of Americans - 57 per cent - have that the current political situa...
This device lets you release the actual dose that the patient needs when they need it, and it's sufficiently easy to use that patients could administer their own medication one day without having to go to a hospital," Jackson said....