A multi-disciplinary research team has discovered how cells know to rush to a wound and heal it - opening the door to new treatments for diabetes, heart disease and cancer....
Have you been feeling dissatisfied with your sex life of late? Your smartphone may be to blame, suggests a study....
The number of people receiving treatment for advanced kidney failure - such as dialysis or kidney transplant - will double to over five million by 2030, mostly in developing regions such as Asia and Africa, a study said on Saturday....
A team of Indian-American researchers has found that not just what you eat but when you do so is equally important in order to protect your heart from early ageing....
A 60-year-old patient suffering from massive hemoptysis underwent a rare treatment process in which his blood vessel was fixed with a glue to stop the flow of blood, hospital authorities said on Wednesday....
Violence erupted in Allahabad on Wednesday after a police official shot dead a lawyer and injured another outside the high court, police said....
After reviewing 225 research papers on homeopathy, a top Australian body for medical research has concluded that homeopathy is not effective for treating any medical condition....
Eating a vegetarian diet may be associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancers compared to non-vegetarians, according to a study....
Previous studies suggested that the hormone irisin, first discovered three years ago, travels from muscle to fat tissue after exercise to tell fat cells to start burning energy instead of storing it....
For newly-married men, the tip is fairly simple to keep your spouse in super mood: It is not about satisfaction that makes the women happy but the frequency of sex....