New Delhi, March 29 (IANS) Meta-owned encrypted messaging service WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature that will allow users to share bigger-sized files and media with others over their platform. According to a WABetaInfo report, WhatsApp will soon start testing the "Media File Size" feature in Argentina which will allow u...
The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) has so far fined Apple...
Apple's upcoming smartphone iPhone 14 Pro as well as 14 Pro Max are expected to ...
As energy costs spike, the number of buildings globally deploying smart building...
BYJU'S on Monday announced a new partnership with QIA, the sovereign wealth fund of...
As Moscow's invasion of Kiev has entered its second month, SpaceX and Tesla CEO...
Google has started asking users on Windows, macOS, and Linux to update Chrome builds to version 99.0.4844.84, after finding a new vulnerability....
Apple CEO Tim Cook on Saturday took to Twitter to share photos shot by students ...
Google announced that its big annual developer conference 'Google I/O' will take...
In a startling revelation, a whistleblower has alleged widespread bribery via Microsoft's ...