Refreshing its budget Redmi series, Xiaomi on Wednesday launched the Redmi 8 in India, starting at Rs 7,999. The Redmi 8 has been introduced in two configurations: 3GB+32GB and 4GB+64GB priced at Rs 7,999 and Rs 8,999, respectively....
Google has put on hold its facial recognition research for the Pixel 4 smartphone after a report claimed it was bribing the homeless to scan their faces for the price of a cup of coffee in order to improve the tech giant's facial recognition technology. ...
Led by Amazon and Flipkart, e-tailers in India achieved a record $3 billion (nearly Rs 19,000 crore) of Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) in the first six days of the festive sale from September 29-October 4, a new report said on Tuesday....
Sony Interactive Entertainment has removed Facebook integration from the PlayStation 4, which means that one can not share screenshots and trophies with Facebook friends from a console now....
Manju Rani (48kg) on Monday advanced to the quarter-finals of the ongoing women's World Boxing Championships here. Manju Bomboriya (64kg), on the other hand, lost to Italian fourth seed Angela Carini via split verdict of 4-1 in her first round match....
Tennis star Sania Mirza's sister Anam Mirza is set to tie the knot with former Indian cricket captain Mohammad Azharuddin's son Mohammad Asaduddin in December this year....
In the latest ICC ODI women's rankings, India have widened the gap over England from one to three points while the West Indies have lost five points and are now just two points ahead of Pakistan in seventh place....
Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju has said that the government will be pushing hard for the inclusion of Kabaddi in the 2024 Olympic Games scheduled to be held in Paris....
Juventus and Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon feels that Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal are the Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo of tennis....
Amid economic slowdown fears, smartphone makers in India are busy celebrating Diwali in advance, raking in millions on both online and offline platforms during the festive sales as Indians make a beeline to make most of the exciting offers and discounts....