On Children’s Day, introducing Recycle My Battery

On the occasion of Children’s Day, we would like to introduce you all Recycle My Battery, a non-profit organization (Tax ID: 85-2206747) started by a 10-year-old Sri Nihal Tammana. The mission of Recycle My Battery is to bring about a cultural change in the way in which people think and act in respect of used batteries, and also to create public awareness on the evil effects of indiscriminate and unscientific ways of battery disposal. I am sanguine that their dream has come to fruition, however, in a modest way. Still, a long way to go, of course, to reach the goalpost.
Along with spreading awareness, Recycle My Battery sets up certified battery bins free of cost including free two-way priority shipping to any public or private organizations including schools, libraries, private companies. Thanks to Call2Recycle which is the nation's largest battery recycling organization for supporting the same.
Recycle My Battery is proud to state that whoever it could reach out to has almost completely desisted from their age-old habit of throwing the used batteries in the trash. In all establishments where Recycle My Battery has placed its bins, not a single used battery is seen in normal dustbins nor anywhere in their vicinity, other than in battery bins installed for the purpose. RMB team comprising of 45+ young kids did mystery shopping in most of the organizations where its bins have been installed to ensure this and results have been extremely gratifying.
Some of the quantitative accomplishments of Recycle My Battery include:
- RMB has so far collected more than 38,000+ batteries and recycled them properly.
- RMB and their team got awards from the National Waste Recycling Association, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, One in a Million, Global Kids Achiever Award.
- RMB team has spent more than 1500+ hours so far on this initiative during the past year.
- RMB got appreciation from Senator's Bob Menendez, Sam Thompson, Patrick Diegnan, Vin Gopal, Edison Mayor Thomas Lankey
- RMB also received appreciation from Kevin Kassekert, COO of Redwood Materials. Kevin who used to be a C-level executive in Tesla started Red Wood Materials with Straubel who was the co-founder of Tesla. Redwood Materials deals with battery recycling and Recycle My Battery is looking forward to partnering with Redwood Materials to aggressively promote awareness about the importance of recycling used batteries.
- Best Brains, a household name in the field of education which has more than 150 locations in the US, asked Recycle My Battery to place battery bins in all their locations.
- Recycle My Battery team has educated more than 200,000 adults so far about why they need to recycle batteries properly - through email campaigns, flyers, magazine articles, conferences, etc.
- ITServe Alliance, a non-profit organization with 1200+ member companies are supporting Recycle My Battery as part of their CSR initiatives.
- Call2Recycle, the nation’s largest battery recycling organization came forward to support by offering free battery bins and collecting them for free. So far, the team have placed more than 200+ battery bins in different locations
- Recycle My Battery team has educated more than 70,000+ kids on how to recycle used batteries properly.
- As kids are our next generation, they are primarily concentrating on schools so they can educate the kids who in turn educate their parents.
- To date, they have placed battery bins in many schools and got approval from 15+ superintendents in New Jersey which would cover 150+ schools and 200,000+ kids.
RMB slogan to everyone is "If we can make the earth a better place to live, you can! If you can make the earth a better place to live, we all can!"
Recycle My Battery website: https://recyclemybattery.org/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/recyclemybattery
Twitter: recycleabattery
Instagram: recyclemybattery
We appreciate these kids for all the good work they are doing at their tender age. Hope they achieve their goal and make the earth a better place to live.
Happy Children’s day!