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Four Indian-American Women Victims of Racist Attack as Texas Resident Pleads Guilty


June 18 :
Texas resident Esmeralda Upton, who attacked four Indian-American women without provocation and displayed racist attitudes, pled guilty to three charges of assault and one count of making terrorist threats on June 14. On August 24, 2022, a hate crime was captured on film on a smartphone near the Sixty Vines restaurant in Plano's parking lot.

Upton, who was completely unfamiliar with the four Indian-American friends, approached them as they strolled through the parking lot, chatting after their meal, according to Chandra Law Firm. She yelled out, "You Indians, you f***ing crazies!"

Anamika Chatterjee was one of three women Upton admitted to assaulting and threatening to shoot during the incident.

Upton screamed, "Go back to India!" in response to Chatterjee's (Chandrakant's) and the other women's requests that he leave them alone. along the lines of "Stay put if everything is perfect in your nation!" All three of Chatterjee's buddies are U.S. citizens.

Upton is seen on the videos threatening to "blow your f***ng curry—" and "f***ing shoot your ass" while clutching her purse. According to the police report, after the police arrived, Upton confessed to slapping Chatterjee and her companions. However, he said that they were "videoing and saying all of this stuff that I wasn't doing," while adding, "That's what they do." In the same vein as Black people.

According to Texas law, Upton was found guilty of charges that included a hate-crime specification. She was sentenced to 40 days in prison at the Collin County Jail, with the requirement that she serve her time on weekends beginning July 19, 2024. She was warned by the court that the full sentence would be served consecutively in the event of her non-appearance or tardiness. The Collin County District Attorney's office and Upton's legal representation struck this arrangement as part of a plea deal, according to Chandra Law Firm.

As a result of Upton's guilty plea, the victims' civil action against him continues to include claims of defamation, assault, battery, and intentional infliction of mental distress. Her guilty plea renders her civilly responsible for the assault and battery charges under Texas law, and she will almost certainly be found guilty of intentionally causing emotional distress as well. The victims of Upton's racist crimes and the court both received no apology from Upton.