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Advay Misra, Indian Whiz Kid, Excels at International Academic Championship, Demonstrating Exceptional Skill


June 25 :
The eleven-year-old boy from New Delhi, Advay Misra, has been in the news due to his amazing showing at the International Academic Championship, which took place from June 14th to the 16th. Misra, who is in the eighth grade at New Delhi's Sanskriti School, won first place in the academic bee and science competitions and came in second place in the geography bee. A tough competition for the Asian Championship titles was held at the event, which attracted more than 300 students from 30 cities in 14 nations. At Khao Lak, Thailand, it took place.

In 2018, Misra's parents relocated to the United States for work-related reasons, and he began his academic career at the age of five. His resume has been steadily expanding since his 2021 return to India. Among his many accomplishments, he stands out for having won the Academic Bee Championship back-to-back and the Asian Science Bee Championship for three years running.

As the All India Winner of the National Academic Competition in 2023, Misra accomplished the incredible feat of winning all four bees—Academic, Science, Geography, and History—representing India. He also has a remarkable record in the United States, having placed second in the 2020–21 National Science Bee Championship.

Reading and Python programming are Misra's favourite pastimes, and he says his mother is the reason he's successful. He has also found success on CTY's grade-based testing programmes by watching math lessons on Khan Academy. In an interview with Ashok Vyas for the television show Wide Angle, his love of geography and travel was on full display: As someone who enjoys travelling extensively, I find it helpful to familiarise myself with the flag of each country I visit. The "brightest students in the world" designation from Johns Hopkins University is just one of several honours bestowed upon Misra. The New York City Department of Education also recognised his Moodmeter, initiative, which he created to help his classmates cope with the pandemic, as one of the top overall school projects.