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US Presidential Debate 2024: Donald Trump Denies Responsibility for January 6 Capitol Attack


June 28, Atlanta:
After offering "10,000 soldiers or National Guard" before his address on January 6, the former US president and Republican candidate for the 2024 US presidential election, Donald Trump, has denied any role for the attack on the US Capitol. At first, during Thursday night's (local time) CNN presidential debate, Trump attempted to evade the subject by pointing to other issues in order to criticize Biden when asked about his actions and inactions on January 6, 2021, when rioters invaded the US Capitol.

There was a great border on January 6; relatively few people crossed it. We achieved energy independence on January 6. On January 6, we experienced record-low taxes and record-low regulations. Trump made the statement while completely avoiding responsibility or facing the rebellion on Capitol Hill; on January 6, we were regarded globally, and then he comes in.

A contingent of Trump backers stormed the United States Capitol in 2021 to denounce what they saw as the fraudulent certification of the 2020 presidential election results from many US states. Authorities in the United States have apprehended over 725 people from practically every state on charges connected to the riot. Biden brought attention to the fact that Trump had encouraged people to visit Capitol Hill and had spent three hours "watching, being begged to do something, to call for a stop, to end it" by his vice president and other Republican colleagues. However, instead of taking action, Biden praised these individuals as exceptional patriots. "And now, he says, if he loses again -- such a whiner that he is -- that there could be a bloodbath," he added.

At the time of the ruckus, Pelosi was the Speaker of the House. Trump claimed during Thursday night's debate that Pelosi refused 10,000 National Guard personnel. Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker of the US House of Representatives, quickly criticized his statements.
Speaker Pelosi did not plot her own assassination on January 6th, according to multiple independent fact-checkers. Whether it's January 6th or any other day of the week, the Speaker of the House is not responsible for the security of the Capitol Complex. According to Ian Krager, a spokesperson for Pelosi, "that fact remains unchangeable" notwithstanding the presence of selective, out-of-context footage and the irrational rantings of the insurgent.

According to Krager, it is "pathetic" that Trump and his allies are "still trying to whitewash the deadly insurrection." "The American people saw for themselves the dangers to democracy on January 6th and can see right through Republicans' revisionist history," according to him.

In April 2023, President Joe Biden began his re-election campaign, painting the race against Trump as a "stark choice" between the "destruction" of American democracy and its continuation. In contrast, Trump ran for president of the United States in November 2022.
If Biden were to serve a second term, he would become the oldest president in history, standing at 86 years of age. According to polls, Biden's age is a lot bigger deal than his opponent's. However, Trump would surpass Biden as the oldest president before the term ends if he were to win.