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Immigrant Affairs Office Made Permanent by Baltimore Mayor


June 29 :
In the presence of members of the Baltimore City Council, Mayor Brandon M. Scott officially established the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MIMA) on June 27 by signing City Council Bill 23-0438 into law. Established in 2014, the office's mission is to foster immigrant integration, economic development, and community wellness in Baltimore. Technical aid, advocacy, civic involvement, information, and resources have all been central to MIMA's mission from the beginning. 

According to Mayor Scott, MIMA has played a crucial role for 10 years in helping our immigrant population with crucial information, advocacy, and assistance, even when they're facing the worst of times. No matter who takes power in Baltimore, the immigrant community and the city will continue to reap the rewards of MIMA's selfless efforts thanks to today's bill signing.

The bill's sponsor, District 14 Councilwoman Odette Ramos, took great delight in establishing MIMA as an official position. The city of Baltimore wants its residents to know that they are welcome here, so they are sending a message to that effect. "I am proud to represent our Hispanic/Latine community, which is the fastest-growing population in the city," Ramos stated. "Our immigrant communities here in Baltimore must thrive, and we must continue to work to make that happen."

The director of MIMA, Catalina Rodriguez, stated that the organization was founded thanks to the unwavering support of committed partners who believed in more than simply lip service. MIMA's mission will be around for a long time thanks to today's milestone. All of us must work together for it to succeed, though. To keep MIMA a vital part of our local government, we need to be alert and take initiative.

Based on their efforts to integrate immigrants, Baltimore City was placed fifth in the nation in 2021 by the American Immigration Council and the New Americans Economy. The 2019 Certified Welcoming certification was bestowed upon Baltimore City following an exhaustive assessment conducted by Welcoming America. The significance of this legislation is highlighted by the fact that the number of foreign-born individuals in Baltimore increased by more than 4,571 individuals between 2010 and 2021, making over 8 percent of the city's total population.