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Pope Francis criticizes Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, calls U.S. elections a choice of the 'lesser evil


Washington, DC, September 14 :
Ahead of the US elections, Pope Francis criticized Trump and Harris for their immigration and abortion policies, respectively, and characterized the candidates as offering the "lesser of two evils," according to CNN. He said that Trump's immigration policies and Harris's advocacy for abortion rights were incompatible with respect for human life.

Pope Francis said, "One must choose the lesser of two evils" while speaking to reporters aboard the papal jet. Among two bad options, which one is better? Who was it—that woman or that man? I am uncertain.

He asked people to think carefully about their vote.

In an effort to broaden Catholicism, Francis has been more vocal than his predecessors on political issues. Because he considers abortion to be the deliberate termination of a human life, he has always supported the Church's stance against the procedure.

Additionally, he has stressed the importance of considering this problem with other life-related issues, such immigration. Sending migrants away and abandoning them wherever you want is a cruel and evil thing to do. Because life exists in the womb, it is an assassination to remove a child from its mother. He insisted that they have an open dialogue about the issues.

Francis has already taken progressive stands on a number of political topics, including, according to CNN's reporting, the ability for priests to forgive abortions, blessings for same-sex couples, and the importance of addressing climate change.

Furthermore, he has argued that migrant welfare is just as important as abortion when it comes to protecting human life, contradicting the position of certain US Catholic bishops who see abortion as the top priority.

Francis slammed Trump's plan to construct a wall along the border in 2016, calling it "not Christian."

Francis argued for a "pastoral" rather than a political stance in 2021, when US bishops discussed withholding communion from prominent figures who supported abortion rights, like as President Joe Biden. He insists he has never turned down communion.

Senator JD Vance, who is campaigning with Trump, and Francis have both spoken out against families choosing pets over children. According to CNN, Vance, who converted to Catholicism, has criticized the childless "leadership class" and called childless women "childless cat ladies." He also called those without children "more sociopathic."

Among Christian Catholics, there is a great deal of disagreement. According to Pew Research, 44% of Catholic registered voters lean Democratic, while 52% identify as Republicans. With 50% supporting Biden and 49% supporting Trump, Catholic voters in the 2020 election were almost evenly divided. Abortion should be lawful in most or all instances, according to 61% of Catholics.