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Vivek Ramaswamy Pushes for Mandatory Citizenship Verification in Voting


September 24 :
A non-negotiable prerequisite for voting should be proof of citizenship, according to former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who has advocated for stronger steps to protect the integrity of U.S. elections. Ramaswamy, in his remarks endorsing the SAVE Act, stressed the critical need of the measure to bar non-citizens from casting ballots in federal elections.

According to Ramaswamy, "It shouldn't be controversial to require proof of citizenship to vote." He went on to say that if both parties could come to an agreement on this matter, it would put an end to future accusations of stolen elections. He stated that if the SAVE Act is passed immediately, there will be an agreement between the two parties that neither will later claim that an election was stolen.

The former biotech entrepreneur and current Republican presidential candidate just withdrew from the race following a lackluster performance in the Iowa caucuses. Ramaswamy has been an outspoken supporter of the SAVE Act, which would require all prospective federal election voters to produce official documentation attesting to their U.S. citizenship.Sen. Representative Chip Roy of Texas and Senator Mike Lee of Utah introduced the measure.

This evidence would be required before states could approve voter registration applications under the new law. Another provision of the law mandates that states take measures to purge voter rolls of anyone who is not a citizen of the United States. He stated that many people don't trust the election process because there isn't a single way to check if someone is eligible to vote. He is of the opinion that the SAVE Act would lay forth a transparent and legally binding plan to filter out non-citizens from federal elections.