Major changes in the grading system of school exams; new guidelines in the framework submitted by SCERT
Renjini Ramachandran
Changes are being introduced to the grading system of school exams. The new guidelines are based on the framework submitted by SCERT for continuous evaluation in exams. Currently, students scoring between 75% and 100% marks are categorized under the A grade as the highest achievers. According to the new system, students scoring between 80% and 100% marks will be considered in the Outstanding category. Those scoring between 60% and 74% marks will fall under the Very Good (B) grade. In the revised system, students scoring between 60% and 79% marks will be included in the ‘B’ grade.
Currently, those scoring between 45% and 59% marks are categorized under the Good (C grade) category. Additionally, the new guidelines include those scoring between 40% and 59% marks in the C grade. At present, students scoring between 33% and 44% marks are placed in the D grade (Satisfactory). The new guidelines state that students scoring between 30% and 39% marks will fall into the E grade (Need Improvement). Additionally, those scoring between 0% and 32% marks will be categorized under the E grade in the revised system as well .
As per the existing system, the final evaluation for academic years will be based on term, half-yearly, and annual exams, as stated in the guidelines. This year, for the eighth-grade annual exams, each subject will require a minimum score of 30% (with 12 marks out of 40 in the half-yearly exams and 20 marks in the annual exams). Students who do not achieve these scores will be required to repeat the subject, according to the new guidelines. After completing the learning process and the subsequent examination, the promotion to the ninth grade will be granted, as stated in the guidelines