Novel device that lowers resistant high BP
Researchers have developed a revolutionary device that significantly
lowers blood pressure in patients suffering from uncontrolled high blood
The device named "Coupler" is a paper clip-sized
implant which is inserted between the artery and vein in the upper thigh
in a procedure lasting around 40 minutes under local anesthesia,
informed the team from Queen Mary University of London.
"This is
an entirely new and highly promising concept in high blood pressure
treatment. The 'Coupler' effectively targets the mechanical aspects of
how blood circulation works - so it's a totally new approach to
controlling blood pressure," explained principal investigator Melvin
Developed by the medical device firm ROX Medical, the
device also highlights the importance of arterial stiffness as a major
cause of resistant high blood pressure and it targets this issue both
safely and successfully.
"Once the 'Coupler' is placed, the results are also immediate which again is unique to this treatment," Lobo added.
team compared the effects of the "Coupler" versus usual medical
treatment in 83 patients of whom 44 received the "Coupler" therapy.
Patients who received the "Coupler" experienced a significant and durable reduction in blood pressure.
There was also a reduced number of hypertensive complications and hospital admissions for high blood pressure crises.
However, the "Couplera", like all therapies, did have a side effect.
29 percent of patients who received the "Coupler" did go on to develop
leg swelling which meant another short procedure was needed to deal with
this (usually a stent in the vein).
The paper appeared in the journal The Lancet.