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INOC (Shudh group) elects new officials: Lavika Singh, president; Dichappally, secreatry


The Indian National Overseas Congres (I) USA, led by Shudh Parkash Singh has elected new officials with Washington, DC based Lavika Bhagat Singh as president and Rajender Dichpally (New York) as general secretary.

Other officials are: Chakot Radhakrishnan (California- executive vice president);   Ravi Chopra, Phuman Singh, Kalathil Varughese     (national vice presidents); Kulwant Deol, Gurmeet Singh Buttar (vice presidents); Gurminder Singh Talwandi (joint secretary); Vineet Nagpal        (treasurer); Rev Varghese Abraham (joint treasurer)

Shalu Suri, Anand Nambiar, Deepak Bansal, Rajinder Singh, Yudh Vir Singh,       Budh Parkash Singh, Balbir Singh, Amar Singh, Gurnam Singh, Davinder Singh Baidwan (executive committee members)

Shudh Parkash Singh said the election was conducted with the permission of Dr Karan Singh, chairman of the foreign affairs department of the All India Congress Committee. He said he is glad that it was done transparently and democratically.

Shudh will not hold any office. He said members wanted him to take up some position in the executive or director board, but he refused. He said he is not hungry for power or has any vested interests.

The voters were life members who took the membership paying $250. Till the last minute people could take membership, which would have made them eligible to vote. Shudh said he had asked every one associated with the organization including,  Juned Qazi, president of the INOC USA, a dissident group, and George Abraham, chair of the group to join the election process, but they refused it.

As a compromise, Shudh told them that Qazi could nominate one election commissioner and he would nominate the other, but it was not acceptable to them. Finally, Mohan Wanchoo and Shersingh Mathur were appointed as election commissioners along with a local attorney in Long Island. The whole lection process was video taped.

Though Qazi claims to be president of INOC, Delhi does not recognize him, Shudh said. He showed a message from Karan Singh, dated January 27 this year, addressing Shudh as president of the INOC (I) USA. ‘I have received your e-mails and am glad to know that the electoral process is proceeding smoothly. I do hope that a large number of people will participate because, quite clearly, this election will supersede the earlier ones. I hope this will result in a united and coordinated organization so that it can be better mobilized to meet the difficult challenges ahead,’ the letter said.

Shudh said he supported and respected former presidents Dr Surindr Malhotra and George Abraham and worked with them creating no problem. But when he became president, he did not get the support or cooperation he deserved. Some even created a parallel organization, yet he said he worked as a disciplined party worker.

Shudh said he joined INOC when AB Vajpayee, a very popular prime minister, was ruling India. He did not like many of the policies of the BJP especially the ideas against diversity and communal harmony. What makes India or the US great is the diversity. Things have come to such a pass as President Barack Obama himself had to speak about the secular credentials of India, a thing never happened before.

In such a situation, it is sad that the Congress supporters are fighting with each other in the US. It will only strengthen the BJP and their supporters here. He also added that there are many good people in BJP and Prime Minister Modi may be a good administrator, but the ideology of the party is not acceptable.

Meanwhile, Juned Qazi, president of the INOC, USA issued a press release terming the lection of the Shudh group as a farce.

‘In a desperate bid to gain some of the totally dissipating attention and credence, the struggling few of the chipped away members that had been discredited and discarded by the main Indian National Overseas Congress(I)USA through a constitutional processes and through an overwhelming majority vote of “no confidence” in mid-2014 continues in vain to seek sympathy and support by staging recently an “election” amongst themselves.  

The fact however is that their reputation and integrity for working as members of the INOC USA had been so badly tarnished by their own self-inflicted misdeeds that their standing in the local community had been affected very seriously and their bad and despicable acts or omissions which had been strongly condemned and denounced are a public knowledge.  The All India Congress Committee in New Delhi was advised by the main body of the removal of Shudh Prakash Singh.

Shamefully,  Shudh Prakash Singh, who was expelled from INOC(I)USA , has not ceased to connive behind closed doors to sabotage the working of INOC(I)USA.   

No matter how legitimate he may paint his sham election to be, an election cannot make constitutional a body that which is unconstitutional to begin with.  No amount of water can bring to live a dead tree.

It is necessary therefore that the community be aware of these tactics and not to fall prey to deceptions and misrepresentations. INOC(I)USA which has assumed a new name as INOC USA, is headed by Chairman George Abraham, President Juned Qazi, Senior Vice President Mohinder Singh Gilzian and Secretary General Harbachan Singh who have been and continues to remain the legitimate organization representing the rights and aspirations of the Congress party and its supporters. It has embarked upon an extensive plan and strategy to invigorate the organization and provide more effective service.

(Please see attached picture)

Juned Qazi, President, Indian National Overseas Congress, USA.

New president Lavika Singh and outgoing president Shudh Parkash Singh

New leadership of INOC

New leadesship of INOC