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Centre to form panel to protect consumer interests


Kolkata, May 1
Besides moving ahead to amend the Consumer Protection Act and the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, the Centre is considering setting up a Consumer Protection Authority (CPA) which will have both investigative and regulatory powers, a union minister said here on Friday.

"The CPA will have investigative authority as well as powers to frame rules and will look into the matter of protecting consumer interests," union Minister of Consumer Protection, Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan told media persons here.

He said the proposed CPA will enquire into proper implementation of guidelines over commodities and ensure that food and other essential items meet the required quality standards.

"We have invited key personnel from the respective consumer cells in the states to meet in Delhi on May 29 to discuss about the amendment," he said.

According to the minister, after the amendment, consumer courts will be required to pass a judgment within a 90-day time-frame.

"There is a need to make the process fast," he said.

The monetary cap for states to judge cases will also be increased after the amendment.

He said the proposed amendment will also take up the issue of misleading advertisements.

"There are advertisements which are misleading in nature and will be addressed by the amendment," he said.

Paswan said the Centre is considering vesting absolute judicial powers on consumer courts whereby the decision by the courts will be final and appeal cannot be made to the state's high court.

"It is under consideration but nothing is finalised on this until now," he said.