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Sikhs vote to elect new gurdwara leaders in US


New York, Aug 31  After facing years of internal power struggles and a court ruling, members of the Sikh community have voted to elect new leaders of one of the largest gurdwaras in the US.

A total of 6,802 registered voters queued outside the San Jose gurdwara in California on Sunday, Mercury News reported.

The election was ordered by a superior court judge to resolve the issue between two Sikh factions with different agendas.

"The people are showing up to speak their minds again. This is a good day for everyone here," Summan Tersen Singh, an applied materials technician, was quoted as saying.

The incumbent steering committee promised continued growth and prosperity, while the challenging committee sought votes on the assurances of honesty and accountability in matters of finance and governance.

Each faction projected 21 candidates for a new steering committee while two others ran as independent.

"Everybody can see what we have done and they like it," Pritam Singh Grewal, a steering committee candidate, was quoted as saying.

The incumbent steering committee wants to build an elder-care facility, funeral home and Sikh heritage park and a path around the sprawling complex in the Evergreen Valley hills, the report said.