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Rise in manufacturing expands India's August factory output


New Delhi, Oct 12 : The acceleration in manufacturing and mining sectors' output speeded up India's factory expansion growth to 6.4 percent in August, from 4.1 percent in the month before, official data showed on Monday.

The industrial output in the corresponding month of 2014 had inched up by 0.5 percent.

India's industrial output during April-August period grew by 4.1 percent from an increase of three percent registered in the corresponding period of last year. 

The Central Statistics Office (CSO), which released the data on the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), also revised its July estimates downwards. 

The revised figures for July showed a growth of 4.1 percent against a rise of 4.2 percent which was published in the "Quick Estimates of IIP" released on September 11, 2015.

The August IIP data revelled an expansion in all the three core sectors of manufacturing, mining and electricity, as against revised figures for July and the corresponding month of 2014.

In August, the manufacturing sector, which has the maximum weightage in the IIP, grew by 6.9 percent from 4.55 percent rise in July and a decline of 1.1 percent in the corresponding month of 2014. 

The mining sector output rose by 3.8 percent from a marginal increase of 0.94 percent in the month before and an up-tick of 1.2 percent in the like period of last year. 

The electricity sector's yields accelerated to 5.6 percent last month from a 3.53 percent acceleration in July. However, the expansion rate for the month under review was considerably lower than the surge of 12.9 percent in August, 2014.