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Increasing engagement with NRIs/PIOs
Dr. Thomas Abraham
Increasing Engagement with NRIs/PIOs – Presentation at the Regional PBD, Los Angeles, USA, November 15, 2015
Founder President, Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) of Tristate New York, The National Federation of Indian American Associations (NFIA) and the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO)
With about 30 million people of Indian origin living outside India, a new global community of Indian origin has been developed. Most people of Indian origin living in developed countries have become highly successful in business and professions. If their professional expertise and financial resources are to be pooled together, it will benefit not only people of Indian origin but also their countries and India. In addition, people of Indian origin could assume a new role in providing help in case of crisis to their communities around the world. That has been the perspectives of the community leadership in the last in the last three decades.
Of the 30 million, about 50% constitute the first generation immigrants from India and their immediate families, generally termed as non-resident Indians (NRIs). This is the group one should reach out for investments and for business and technology collaborations in India. This group also has taken great interest in India’s developments. Where are these communities? They are spread across the Middle East, USA, Canada, U.K. and other European countries, Australia and Southeast and Far Eastern countries.
Some of the issues of the community are as follows:
It is in India’s interest to engage those citizens of India to take an active role in its development. With increasing trend in migration, the NRI/PIO population outside India is likely to increase in future. In this borderless society, India must show its Indian citizens living outside India that they are full participants in Indian democracy.
NRI Voting Process in Indian Elections and Representation in Indian Parliament – Need to develop online voting process for NRIs living outside India so that they can vote in Indian elections.
If we take a step further, for 15 million Indian citizens living outside India, there should be representation in the Indian Parliament, either through direct election for a couple seats in Lok Sabha (which may need a constitutional amendment) or appointment of a couple of MPs in Rajya Sabha.
Pro-active Role for Indian Missions to Reach Out and Help Indian Citizens Needing Emergency Assistance
Although MOIA has set up such programs, the Indian Missions abroad must be pro-active by reaching out to the Indian cultural and social service community groups to reach out such people and provide services to them in terms of an emergency assistance.
Engaging NRIs/PIOs for Educational, Health and Social Causes
Many NRIs and NRI organizations have taken major initiatives in supporting their former schools and colleges, some have set up schools and colleges in their villages and towns, while others have been supporting social and environmental causes. However, many face major hurdles in such efforts. Even if we set up a charitable organization in India, we can not send money to that charity until and unless it has been cleared by the Home Ministry which takes a long time. This clearance process time must be reduced.
Clean Ganga, Clean India and Make India
NRIs/PIOs are interested in these initiatives. However, we still need the modalities of involving in such initiatives. These include how we can help in various Indian states in such initiatives.
Set Up for Involvement with Ministries of Commerce, Science and Technology, Power, Rural Development, Tourism
These ministries should have separate NRI/PIO Advisory Committee which should meet on a regular basis to seek ways to involve NRIs/PIOs in developmental activities related to the individual ministries. Such advisory committee existed informally in a couple of ministries before.
Set Up NRI Ministry or NRI Coordination Office with all state governments
Many states such as Kerala, Gujarat, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and UP have such set ups already. This will help each of the states to reach out their non-resident Indians living all over the world and help to channel the resources to their respective states. NORKA (Non Resident Keralites Association) set up by Kerala govt. is a good example, which provide direct access to NRKs on their issues.
Professional and Technology Exchange
Need a Technology Committee who could monitor next generation technologies such as Nano, Bio, next general IT (including Big Data Analytics) and Internet of Things technologies and their convergent technologies and identify and reach out those NRIs/PIOs who are in the top of the pack and get them interested to do something for their Motherland. Groups such as Engineers group and others professional groups could be involved in such a committee which could be set up under IT, Industry and Science and Technology Ministries.
Helping Professional Institutions
NRIs and PIOs have already being doing their part to help professional institutions and research centers in India. Some have already set up new business schools and technology centers at their former schools. These efforts could be accelerated further. With over five thousand engineering and medical colleges and institutions in India, they could be supported with professional resources of NRIs/PIOs. With shortage of qualified professors in such institutions, NRIs/PIOs must be approached to attract them to India. We could also help with tailoring the online classes using Open Educational Resources which are available free from any top universities of the US, U.K. and a few other countries.
Alumni Groups’ Contribution
NRI/PIO alumni groups have taken keen interest to network and organizing themselves. In fact, for Govt. supported colleges, NRI alumni have greater interest to support their alma matter because they got almost free education in India. Within the next 10 years, we should look for all well known professional institutions managing on their finance without any govt. aid, other than govt. agencies providing research contracts. If the government can accomplish that, the money saved can be used to expand primary education and/or other developmental activities.
Discriminative Admission Fee Rates for PIOs and OCI Card Holders
I strongly feel that India should get away from a poor country image who have to discriminate against same foreign persons whom India’s leaders call "Devo". Even from a humanistic point, we should learn to treat all humans as equal. We in India have struggled with equality & so does the world. Thus discriminatory higher fees for foreigners at monuments, hotels & all such places ds not suit India. Because this policy against foreigners, it applies to PIOs too. These are the same people who for the past decade or so, have been sending over 70 Billion dollars to India, the highest for any country from its expatriates. And the Govt. has to reciprocate to protect this huge amount of support & goodwill for India. These versatile Indians, apart from being the soft power for India abroad, also is a huge economic strength.
Need to set
up objective based cells in MOIA specific to involve NRIs/PIOs in India’s
- Services to the broad
based NRI/PIO Organizations, GOPIO, NFIA, TiE, AAPI, AAHOA, Engineers
Asso., British Indian Medical Council, Indian Associations around the
world, India/NRI/PIO Chambers of Commerce
- Services to language
based organizations, FOKANA, FOGANA, Federation of Tamil Asso., World
Malayalee Council, Intl Punjabi society, TANA, ATA, Maharashtra
Foundation, National Bengali Conference, etc.
- Effort o reach out
technologists who could get involved with their counterparts in India
- Services to NRI/PIO foundations and individuals to get involved in educational, charitable and social services in India. Helping groups such as Pratham, Asha for Education, Ekal, CRY, Akshay Patra, Share and Care, Care and Share, Shanti Bhavan, Sankara Eye Foundation, Sehgal Foundation, American India Foundation, GOPIO Foundation, AAPI Foundation, NFIA Foundation and many others.
Taxing on Social Security Benefits in India
Many NRIs/PIO are moving back to India to be closer to their families. Once they settle back in India, their social security benefits (which are generally tax free in the developed countries since the income comes below the tax bracket) are taxed according to the Indian tax rules. We strongly feel that those who are getting their social security benefits from outside India should not be taxed in India and request Finance Ministry to change the rules. Of course, such person’s Indian income must taxed as per the rules.
Remove Higher Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) for NRIs and PIOs
NRIs and PIOs are subjected to higher TDS (tax deducted at source) than resident Indians for capital gains and while selling properties.
Issue of Protection of NRIs' Properties in India
There have been growing number of scams against NRIs/PIOs hereditary, residential and commercial properties and due to these reasons, NRIs/PIOs are being greatly discouraged to invest in India
NRIs/PIOs are at a great disadvantage to contest property issues in courts in
India due to the length of the time (10-20 years) it takes, and/or due to the
fact that in both civil and criminal cases NRIs/PIOs need to be present on many
occasions before the court. We want the Govt.
to enact legislation to designate Fast Track Courts for NRIs/PIOs for the
speedy settlement of their property issues in India.
We also call upon the Government of India to enact another legislation to
provide Title Insurance to ensure that their ownership in real estate is
protected against forged signatures on the deed and for any such fraudulent
transfer of their properties.
Organizing PBD and its Organization
The Overseas Indian community must be involved in developing the programs for the PBD. When 2,000 delegates attend the PBD, they come to India under enormous cost and time. There should be opportunity for better interaction between delegates and ministers as well as govt. officials. There must a PBD Advisory committee with community leaders, businessmen and technologists drawn from the NRI/PIO communities from around the world. The PBD sessions must be interactive. The speakers selected must contribute to the PBD session. Since the Govt. finances their trip, their availability in India must be fully utilized at least for one week for other institutions including universities in India. This can be easily done those institutions meeting their internal travel/boarding expenses.
Expand Know India Program
The Know India program has been very successful but has been limited to only about 100 students. It must be expanded to bring a couple thousand. If need be, community groups in developed countries be asked to sponsor youngsters for this program so that govt. alone does not spend on its expenses.
NRI/PIOs as global citizens have done a great job in building good image for their Motherland in their respective countries. NRI/PIOs have worked behind the scene to create interest among companies to take interest in India. Similar to what China has accomplished to become powerful country in the world with the help of its Diaspora, Indian Diaspora is also contributing to make India a powerful country. In the last 250 years, three successful diasporas were the British, Jewish and lastly in the last 30 years, the Chinese. In this millennium, the new successful Diaspora emerging is the Indian Diaspora.
Dr. Abraham has been serving
the NRI/PIO community for the last 32 years. He served as the first president
of the Federation of Indian Associations of