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Jyothi Thomas to contest in the Miss New York USA Pageant


Jyothi Thomas of Long Island, New York has been selected as an official state finalist in the Miss New York USA Pageant. The pageant, along with the Miss Teen USA, Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants are a Donald J. Trump and NBC Universal joint venture. They are the most prestigious pageants in the world.

The final round of the pageant is a three day event, scheduled for January 15-17 at the Purchase College Performing Arts Center in Purchase, NY.

Jyothi Thomas is a 24-year-old graduate student in her final year of pursuing her master’s degree in speech-language pathology at Adelphi University in Garden City, New York. In 2013, she earned her bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and speech pathology at St. Joseph’s College in Patchogue, New York.

An excellent dancer, she is currently working as a substitute teacher in the William Floyd School District in Shirley, New York and as a RECCO Homecare Personal Aide for a family with two disabled children.

Her love for dance has continued with her stint as a dance teacher at Jeevadhara School of Dance in Long Island, founded by her mother Manju Thomas. Her father Jojo Thomas is an artist and the founder of Saraswati Awards program, which honors artists in various fields. Her brother Jeevan Thomas is also a noted dancer.

The New York pageant system is one of the premier state pageants in the United States and Jyothi has been selected from among the hundreds of applicants that were processed. If she happens to be crowned as the new Miss New York USA, she will represent New York in the nationally televised Miss USA pageant as seen on NBC television. 

“I am very excited at this great opportunity. Whatever the outcome may be, I am looking forward to this new experience and welcoming it with open arms,” Jyothi said.

In 2013, Nina Davuluri won the Miss New York pageant and next year she was crowned as Miss America, the first ever Indian-American to win the title.

Jyothi hopes to join her ranks, and she is also exceptionally proud of her Indian heritage. “I feel that it is my advantage because my nationality and culture makes me who I am. I am very proud to say that I am Indian-American because it makes me unique and sets me apart from others. I will never let another person's view of me reflect who I am as a person. I am an Indian-American and proud!”

She is also excited as she has never competed in a pageant before. “I had seen an advertisement for this competition online and thought it would be an exciting opportunity. I took a chance and sent an application with a picture of myself. I did not expect to hear back from the pageant coordinators so quick! Then they contacted me and conducted a phone interview and selected me. I was then required to raise a $1500 sponsorship. With the help of various business owners, family and friends, I was able to reach my sponsorship goal. I am truly thankful to have such an amazing support system,” she said.

She expects the question-answer session will be very lively, and focused largely on current affairs. “I expect it to be about what I can do to help our society. Especially with all of the terrible things happening in our world today, I think that the judges want to know what my role will be and how I can make a difference. The world is a very scary place and I know that we are in great need of positivity and peaceful actions.”

“Whatever the outcome, I am excited that I have been given this great opportunity. This experience will help me to show the world what I have to offer and to share my views and purpose in life. By entering this pageant, I have learned that it is much deeper than a beauty contest. It is an opportunity to showcase my confidence as a woman, to represent who I am and to set an example for others.”

She said that there are other Indian women too, but she was not sure which part of India they were from. The winner gets several prizes and chances to appear in several events and shows. The prize packages differ every year according to sponsors.