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Indian National Overseas Congress, USA pays tribute to B.R. Ambedkar on his 125th birth anniversary.


In a special meeting called by INOC, USA, the participants paid glowing tributes to B.R. Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian Constitution on his 125th birth anniversary. Mr. Jagjit Singh of the proposed Bihar Chapter spoke eloquently of the life and contribution of Babasaheb Ambedkar who has fought for social justice and equal rights for every citizen of the country regardless of the caste, religion or regional differences. George Abraham, the Chairman credited Ambedkar for laying a strong foundation for a democratic and secular society that stood the test of time. 

‘When many other newly independent nations from colonialism failed as democratic societies, India persevered because of great men like Babasaheb Ambedkar and Nehruji built institutions that protected the freedom and liberty for all its citizens of India’ Mr. Abraham added. 

The meeting also saw representative groups from Maharashtra, Bihar and Assam submitting applications to join INOC and to form the respective chapters. Mr. Harbachan Singh, the Secretary-General, called the event historic in noticing three applications being submitted on the same day with such large following. He categorized the event as”very inspiring and an encouraging development” and emphasized on the rich heritage of the party, its long history and its vigorous and pivotal role in the post-independence development of India

Mr. Mohinder Singh Gilzian, the President called on all who were present to join the INOC and strengthen the democratic forces in India that are increasingly under assault from the intolerant groups that are gaining strength and creating divisions within the society.  He applauded the representatives from 3 states that expressed their willingness to join INOC when the ‘chips are down’ for the party and added 'it truly showed courage and resilience on their part'.