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Asian American Republican Committee endorses Donald trump


New York: The Asian American Republican Committee, founded 28 years ago, has endorsed Republican front runner Mr. Donald Trump for President of the United States of America.

Mr. Harry Singh, chair of AARC and Dr. Priscilla Parameshwaran, founder chair, pointed out the popular wave in favor of Mr. Trump in primaries held across the country.

The Asian Americans have been highly impressed with the surge in votes for him and also the popular movement supporting his ideas which resulted in the 'Trump Phenomenon,' as the media called it, they noted.

The AARC supports his motto, 'Make America great again,' which the committee believes as the need of the hour. Like him, the Asian Americans too believe in lower taxes, less government, better education, a strong military and strong family values and financial responsibility.

Unemployment among the Asian Americans is the lowest at 4 percent compared Io 45 percent among Whites, and 5 percent nationally. More Asian Americans have higher educational qualifications compared to other ethnic groups and have the highest percapita income than any other group, they noted.

The community hopes and believes that Mr. Trump will create the necessary environment for a robust economy and fair international trade, in addition to making America militarily stronger. Asian Americans enthusiastically support Mr. Trump's proposal to strengthen legal immigration and eliminate illegal immigration.

The AARC is confident that Mr. Trump's initiatives would create millions of new jobs for the less educated. 'Our military superiority would strengthen our foreign policy. With Mr. Trump at the helm, America would stop drug trafficking while enforcing the rule of law. Consequently American families will become stronger and America will be great again,' they said.

Mr. Harry Singh said that Mr. Trump is the best candidate for the party to win against Democratic candidates in the general election, whether it would be Secretary Hillary Clinton or Senator Bernie Sanders.

The AARC will also hold the 28th annual Asian American Heritage Dinner on May 31 at Royal Palace in White Plains, New York, Mr Singh and Mr. Thomas Koshy, chair of the dinner event announced.

Mr Edward F Cox, chair of the New York State Republican Committee will be the keynote speaker. Mr. Doug Colety, chair of the Westchester Republican Committee will be the guest speaker. Westchester County Executive Mr Rob Astorino and Ney York State Senator Mr Terrence P. Murphy will be the guests of honor.

The event will honor noted physician Dr Nagai Rajendran, chief of urology at St John's Riverdale Hospital in Yonkers, with the Person of the Year award. Mrs. Barbara Tubiolo, executive director of Westechester County GOP will also be honored.

Mr Raj Singh, managing partner of Wireless ICON will be honored as Entrepreneur of the Year.

For more information contact: Harry Singh: 914-439-7422; John Issac: 914-720-5030; Thomas Koshy: 914-310-2242.

Harry Singh