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Hindus support, Catholics oppose Do No Harm Act


HAF applauds introduction into Congress of Do No Harm Act

WASHINGTON D.C.: The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) welcomed the introduction into Congress of the Do No Harm Act, an amendment to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). 

Introduced by Congressmen Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) and Bobby Scott (D-VA), with the backing of more than 40 civil rights groups, the Do No Harm Act would, in the words of Rep. Kennedy, “Clarify that no one can seek religious exemption from laws guaranteeing fundamental civil and legal rights. It comes in response to continued efforts across the country to cite religious belief as grounds to undermine Civil Rights Act protections, limit access to healthcare, and refuse service to minority populations. Specifically, the Do No Harm Act would limit the use of RFRA in cases involving discrimination, child labor and abuse, wages and collective bargaining, access to health care, public accommodations, and social services provided through government contract.” 

At its heart the Do No Harm Act supports what the history of American legislation and case law has made clear: in a diverse, pluralistic society you cannot use your fundamental freedoms to inflict harm on others or to undermine their basic human and civil rights. 

"The Hindu American Foundation supports the Do No Harm Act because protecting the sanctity of the 'Establishment Clause' should be the utmost priority of the federal government when seeking to prevent religious discrimination,” said Suhag Shukla, Esq. HAF Executive Director and Legal Counsel. “The Do No Harm Act will prove to be an effective roadblock for businesses, various institutions, and even government agencies that seek to circumvent a founding principle of the United States of America. It's now incumbent upon both sides of the aisle to ensure its passage."

In 1993, Congress passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in response to a Supreme Court case undermining the rights of religious minorities. In recent years, however, the misapplication of RFRA has been used to deny health care coverage for employees, claim exemptions to civil rights law, and complicate justice in child labor and abuse cases.

Politicizing Bathrooms and Showers

Bill Donohue of Catholic League comments on the "Do No Harm Act":
Two days ago, Rep. Joseph Kennedy III and Rep. Bobby Scott introduced the "Do No Harm Act." It is designed to gut the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) that ensures First Amendment religious liberty protections for all Americans. 

Why would any congressman want to undermine religious liberty? Bathrooms and showers. Yes, these two places are now in the sights of homosexual activists and their ilk. Their agenda has led them, in short order, from the altar to the john. 
Religious liberty was so popular in 1993 that Rep. Chuck Schumer (now a senator) and Sen. Ted Kennedy introduced RFRA, and President Bill Clinton signed it. Even the ACLU loved the bill. But now liberals hate it. 

What broke? Kennedy and Scott, and the ACLU, say that RFRA (and laws like it in the states) has been "misconstrued," and is being used against men who feel they're a woman, and vice versa. The logic is not easy to follow, but I'll give it my best shot. 
Once upon a time, men thought they were men and women thought they were women, but not today: some are confused. Stay with me, please. 

Some of the confused want to use bathrooms that belong to the opposite sex, but since they feel they belong to the opposite sex, they want to use those facilities. They would also like to shower with those of the opposite sex—why not?—or with those of the sex they feel they belong to. We're almost there. 

What does this have to do with RFRA? Religious institutions, under RFRA, can claim to be exempt from laws that would force them to accommodate the confused. Which is why those who have targeted the johns are pushing for the new law. 
"Keep your feelings to yourself" never made more sense.