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LA Times endorses Hillary Clinton


The Los Angeles Times' editorial board has endorsed front-runner Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The board on Friday wrote that Clinton's knowledge of domestic and foreign affairs is superior to her opponent Bernie Sanders' and her policy platforms on healthcare and financial regulation “more realistic” than the Vermont senator’s, Politico reported.

The editorial noted Clinton’s “liabilities as a candidate” included “a penchant for secrecy and self-protection,” and criticised her decision to use a private email server as Secretary of State.

The board characterised Sanders' objectives as admirable but naive, comparing and contrasting his campaign and political vision with President Barack Obama's.

The board gave Sanders credit for pulling Clinton left on economic inequality and noted that they disagreed with the proposition that Sanders supporters should admit defeat and vote for Clinton in California.

“Voters should choose the candidate they consider best qualified,” the board wrote. 

“This page has endorsed Clinton not because she is more likely to win the nomination but because she is vastly better prepared than Sanders for the presidency.”

The board had endorsed then Senator Obama over Clinton in 2008.

Trump wants to be a 'dictator', says Hillary Clinton

 Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton said her rival and Republican Party's presumptive presidential candidate Donald Trump wants to be a "dictator".

"We are trying to elect a president, not a dictator," she said at a campaign rally in San Bernardino, California on Friday, ahead of the crucial California Democratic primary slated for June 7.

According to sources, after day of ripping into Trump over his comments on immigration and his repeated insistence that an Indiana-born judge would not treat him fairly because of his Mexican heritage, the comment was Clinton’s starkest yet, Politico reported.

In the rally, Clinton let loose on Trump, questioning not only his qualifications, but his sincerity.

“I don’t understand Donald Trump running a whole campaign based on nothing but denigrating immigrants,” she said, pointing out that Trump, whose mother was Scottish and whose wife is Slovenian, has family that came over to the US from abroad. 

“Is this nothing but a political stunt?" she added.