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South Asian Democrats condemn 'celebration of hate' at Trump rally today


‘Hindus For Trump’ Rally Reflects Attitudes Not Welcome in the Garden State

EDISON – Saturday’s scheduled ‘Hindus For Trump’ rally in Raritan is at odds with American and New Jersey values of diversity and inclusion, say the hundreds of members of the South Asian American Caucus of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the climate that has been sowed today by the Republican nominee for President, and the impact they are having on children and families in the Garden State,” says Dr. Khyati Y. Joshi, co-chair of the Caucus. “The seeds of hate that are sown by events like the Hindus for Trump rally do not make this state or country great. Instead, they make it harder for people at the very heart of our community: immigrants, racial and religious minorities, and children who become victims of bullying because of the attitudes and behaviors Mr. Trump encourages.”

“What a contrast to the NJDSC South Asian American Caucus’ event last month, which celebrated ‘Unity in Diversity,’” said attorney Satish V. Poondi, the Caucus’ other co-chair.
“Through SAAC, Chairman John Currie has made sure that all of NJ’s South Asian American communities, which includes people who are Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Jain, Muslim, and Jewish, are actively giving a voice to South Asian American concerns at the highest levels.”
Recognizing the growing importance of the South Asian community, the N.J. Democratic State Committee created the South Asian American Caucus in 2013 as the party’s first official caucus. 

For three years, through events and organizing state-wide, the Caucus has promoted core Democratic values of equal opportunity and economic justice, as well as the rights of women, minorities and immigrants to participate fully and equally in the promise of America.
By contrast, ‘Hindus for Trump’ celebrates the worst excesses of hate and discrimination. SAAC calls on all South Asian Americans of goodwill to boycott the event and reject its divisive agenda.

The tone of racial mistrust, hatred, and fear of immigrants generated by Republican Party leaders like Donald Trump for their own political gain must be put to an end. Republicans’ toxic political rhetoric in 2016 has encouraged an increase in incidents of violence and vandalism against minority communities. 

In New Jersey, an incoherent article on the “Save Jersey” blog recently featured a side-by-side photograph of Peter Jacob, a South Asian American candidate for Congress in the New Jersey’s 7th District, with Omar Mateen, the Orlando nightclub shooter. This was an unacceptable attempt to imply an equivalence between two men who happen to have brown skin. SAAC also condemns in the strongest terms the xenophobic act of spray painted swastikas at Peter Jacob’s home.

South Asian Americans are New Jersey’s fastest-growing ethnic communities. These communities are characterized not only by religious diversity but also by socioeconomic diversity – comprising doctors and Dunkin Donut workers, taxi cab drivers and teachers, police officers and programmers. 

South Asian New Jerseyans include recent immigrants, long-time residents, and second- and third-generation South Asian Americans born right here. New Jersey Democrats recognize these communities as a welcome part of our state and, through SAAC, the party has opened its doors to give South Asian Americans a multitude of opportunities to become involved in public service and elective office.