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HelpSaveLife: A 15 year Kindness Connection from across the seas


New Jersey:  An organization founded by a group of young and caring non- resident Indians in New Jersey has now allowed many to be part of a movement that has provided much needed service and comfort to the poor in India and other parts of the world. The charity organization called “HelpSaveLife” was founded in November 2001 by a group of young Indian professionals in the United States with the intent to extend a helping hand to the orphans and the sick in their land of birth.

As HelpSaveLife is marching into its 16th year in 2016, about 300 members of this organization have been its strength and helping hands who believe in the motto “Lend a hand to mend a life”. In order to help the needy from India and other countries, the members themselves make sure that funds are collected and dispersed off each month. Families are extended help in two major ways, families in need approach the organization for help or members of “HelpSaveLife” themselves identify families that are in dire need of a helping hand, the funds are then made available to these families after ascertaining their circumstances and need. As of now, five such help requests are considered for help every month.
​Since its very inception in 2001, HelpSaveLife has been publishing the details of the applications for assistance received in its website The amounts collected by the organization and the monies dispersed off by “HelpSaveLife” are also published on the website to ensure transparency of all financial transactions. It also makes it easy for people to contribute money directly to the organization and see for themselves the way their contribution is transforming the lives of the poor people in dire need. This charity organization has earned the (501) (c)(3) status from the U.S. Federal government which makes the monetary contributions to the organization tax deductible.
About 400 destitute families have been assisted by HelpSaveLife in the last 15 years. Paid five hundred thousand dollars (approximately three crores 25 lakhs rupees) have been distributed by HelpSaveLife during this time. This organization has been dispersing off about two and a half lakhs of rupees per month. The types of need addressed by the organization include assistance in organ transplantation surgery, cancer treatment and funds for education. They also introduced a program called “Sponsor a Student” five years ago. Fifty students are being assisted at present as part of this program where all educational expense of deserving students is guaranteed till they finish their high school education. The activities of this organization have helped impoverished families in many states in India and Kenya. A working committee of 11 people runs the various activities of the organization.

Is being part of this fellowship of kindness something that you would be interested in?
Visit to learn more about the organization and its activities. Contact Cyril Cherian (President -970-407-1529) and Sojimon James (Treasurer- 732-939-0909) for further information.

Martin New Jersey