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Amir Khan Foundation’s fundraising dinner in Chicago raises $73,000


Chicago IL: The Amir Khan Foundation’s First Community Awareness and Fundraising Dinner was held  at Shalimar Banquets. Amir’s supporters and donors braved the city’s first major snow storm to participate in this noble cause. The event was attended by over 200 people that included dignitaries, community leaders, supporters and fans. The Chicago community was not shy to show their support for this worthy cause, raising over $73,000 to raise funds for clean water projects in Pakistan and Africa. 
During social hour, attendees mingled, enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, and browsed through a selection of unique vendors. The program began with the Master of Ceremonies, Arshia Hasnain, who welcomed and thanked all the guests. She told them that without their generous support this evening would not have been possible. Arshia reminded everyone that their donations were 100% tax-deductible and would give the world’s most vulnerable children the clean water they desperately need to survive and stay healthy. 
A beautiful recitation of the Quran was conducted by Hasan Najfi. 
Then, famous Olympian and World Champion Amir Khan made an electric entrance to his theme song “Amir King Khan” and video presentation showcasing all the work The Amir Khan Foundation is doing. The crowd stood up, cheering loudly, and welcomed the boxer into the hall. The honorable Consul General of Pakistan, Faisal Niaz Tirmizi. Mr Tirmizi spoke and was very generous with his compliments. He said that we were all very proud of how Amir Khan tries to emulate and follow the word and wisdom of Quaid e Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah. He also stated that Amir Khan has achieved a glowing reputation not only as world class boxing champion but also committing his life and energy for the welfare of poor people, especially children of Pakistan. The Consul General welcomed and congratulated Amir Khan for making his first trip to Chicago for the fundraiser for his foundation.
A Question & Answer session with Amir Khan was conducted by Mr. Rizwan Malik, a close friend and co- founder of the Foundation. This interactive session with the crowd was very much appreciated as it was engaging and intimate.  Mr. Rizwan Malik, briefly outlined history of The Amir Khan Foundation. Here are two of the question that were asked of Amir Khan - 
Question: What was the best time of your boxing career?
Answer: First one is at the age of 17 in Olympic game he won gold medal and become Britain’s youngest boxing medalist. Second is youngest professional boxers to win a World Title at the age of 22. 
Question: If boxing was not in the cards, what other career might you have chosen and why?
Answer: Every child should be encouraged to follow their dream. In our Asian society a child is given narrow choice of pursuing career to study medicine, engineering, law etc.  However, if child wants to pursue other goal like becoming a sport hero in game like in cricket, basketball or boxing etc. or follow other carrier ‘outside the box’ they should be encouraged and allowed to fulfill their ambition. I my self was discouraged by some family member, clerics, teacher etc. to forget boxing and choose other options. However, my parents were fully supportive of my wish and that is why I am today a recognized word champion in the sport I liked. Without my parent’s support, I would be probably working in a Safeway store stacking shelves…..
Question: What inspires you to keep fighting in the ring?
Answer: To give resources for life for my family so each of them can fulfill their desires and determinations to accomplish fruitful but not easy, laidback hollow relaxed life.
The powerful and warm Question and Answer session was followed by the most important part of the evening, Fundraising. This was conducted by Mr. Rizwan Malik. He campaigned hard in asking for donations towards building wells in Africa and Pakistan. Providing water-scarce communities with reliable sources of clean water, from tube wells and water tankers to innovative solutions such as solar powered wells. He was successful in reaching his target and raised $73,000 thanks to the generous donations from the Chicago community. These donations will build over 36 wells and service over 22,000 people with clean water. 
As it was the birthday of Amir Khan, a lovely cake was cut and everyone joined in an energetic singing of Happy Birthday to him.
Amir Khan is the pride of Pakistan and the pride of Great Britain. A former two time world champion boxer, Amir Khan has gained massive popularity worldwide with his explosive hand speed and entertaining fight style. At the age of 17, he was Britain’s youngest boxing Olympian. He is also one the youngest professional boxers to win a World Title at the age of 22. Amir Khan has an amazing energy that he puts in to everything he does! He’s turned his enthusiasm and passion from the boxing ring towards helping others. 
In 2014 he launched the Amir Khan Foundation dedicated to empowering young people who are disadvantaged around the world. He is devoted to helping those who need guidance and assistance regardless of their race, religion or geographic location – all children deserve to live happy and healthy lives. 
This event concluded with a live performance by renowned group, YouTube sensation Maz and Ziggy Bonafied also visiting from England. They entertained the crowd with their Punjabi Rap style music which was much appreciated by the crowd. Amir Khan Foundation thanks Henna Raza of Professional Party Planners who made the hall, the stage and venue look elegant, as well as all the volunteers and supporters and donors, as well as the sponsors AVCS,, Professional Party Planners, Pleasant Travels and @surprisecakery.