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New York to file lawsuit to protect DACA recipients


New York, Sep 7
New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman plans to announce the filing of a multistate lawsuit to protect beneficiaries of a program shielding children brought to the US illegally on Wednesday afternoon.

Immigration advocates, Dreamers, labour unions, and the chancellor of City University of New York will join Schneiderman at the news conference, Xinhua news agency reported.

The announcement came one day after US Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the program was rescinded, which potentially put about 800,000 illegal immigrants at the danger of deportation.

The program, named the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), was implemented in 2012 to essentially provide a legal status for recipients or renewable two-year term work authorization.

In a written statement, Trump said he is looking forward to working with the Congress to finally address all of these issues "in a manner that puts the hardworking citizens of our country first".

Hundreds of protesters, many of whom are recipients of the DACA program, gathered outside the White House to voice their anger on Tuesday. There were similar protests or rallies in other major cities across the country.