he South Asian University (SAU), an educational initiative of the eight SAARC neighbours, has already inked a partnership agreement with Dhaka University, while it is in the process of linking up with the Royal University of Bhutan and Kabul University, giving it a wider footprint in the South Asian region....
Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka State in India, has made remarkable progress in the area of information technology (IT). There aren’t many cities in the world that attract as many outsourced high-tech jobs from the United States and Europe as Bangalore does. The city has deservedly been called the...
India has the highest number of undernourished people in the world at 194.6 million, down 7 percent over the past two decades, but up 2.6 percent over the past five years....
Though he has been living in the US for the last four decades, Dr Thomas Abraham is still keeping his Indian citizenship, a very rare thing among the expatriates. He is eligible to hold any office in India. If an opportunity comes to take up one, will he accept it?...
Unlike the early immigrants, who landed with $8 in their pockets, Dr Thomas Abraham arrived at JFK with $75 in his pocket. ...
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader P.P. Chaudhary, a first-time Lok Sabha member from Rajasthan, has been selected for the Sansad Ratna 2015 Awards for his performance in the house till the end of the budget session....
Don't use universality and shared responsibilities for the environment as pretexts to kick away the ladder of development for the poor or to avoid responsibility for the global ecological havoc, India told the developed nations Tuesday in a telling message....
Presidential candidate Senator Rubio told Rev. Pat Robertson that anyone who supports traditional marriage is being labeled "a homophobe and a hater." He said "the next step is to argue that the teachings of mainstream Christianity, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, is hate speech...."...
“Think of the starving children in India before you waste the food on your plate,†my friends’ mothers would say to them. This was in the 1960s in New York City, where I lived as a child. It was really hurtful and made me feel inferior. So were the taunts by the bullies about my being a “Hindoo†and “cow w...
For those who are not that savvy about South Indian men style, especially Mallus, I can unequivocally say the following about thorthu. It's a common weakness shown by men of Mallu origin to wear the homespun towel called thorthu....