Samsung India on Thursday introduced the 'Smart Healthcare Citizenship Initiative' that provides affordable and quality healthcare to patients from the economically and socially weaker sections at Civil Hospital here....
In a stunningly successful trial, scientists report they cured 18 critically-ill patients suffering from drug-resistant malaria with tablets made from dried leaves of the Chinese plant Artemisia annua (also known as sweet wormwood)....
Researchers have identified new genetic variants associated with reduced risks for...
Children with obesity face four times the risk of developing Type-2 diabetes later...
Despite recently revealed improvements, primitive sanitation is killing, ...
The so-called "diet" products containing low or no fat may have higher amount of sugar...
A pregnant woman's financial worries about the arrival and care of her little one...
Hemochromatosis, a disease caused by excess build up of iron in the body, is becoming...
If you have been dumped recently, doing anything that you believe will help you ...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) on Monday announced that three African countries...