American genome expert Mary-Claire King, whose work resulted in the identificat...
Unlike men, a good night's sleep for women is affected by having children in the...
Initially, 62-year-old Ram Mathur did not feel any symptoms. When he started feel...
Researchers have found evidence that a ban on smoking in public places could be a...
Continuing to gain weight post-pregnancy? Do not put the blame on your pregnancy,...
Mapping all the proteins found in the dolphin genome could pave the way for findi...
Scientists have created a three-dimensional (3D) organ-on-a-chip that can mimic t...
Intensive treatment to lower systolic (top number) blood pressure to below 120 mm Hg can prevent 107,500 early deaths every year, according to a new study....
Researchers have found a 700-per cent surge in infections caused by bacteria that...
Just like real doctors and nurses, online health tools with good but controlled...