New Delhi,After giving its users power to restrict bullies on its platform, Facebook-owned Instagram has now extended its anti-bullying tool to hurtful captions on photos and videos. ...
San Francisco,Facebook has joined hands with top retailers who are sending the social networking giant data on what the customers are buying in retail stores. Facebook, in turn, is targeting those customers with specified ads. ...
New Delhi,The online food delivery industry in India is set for a big churn as Uber has reportedly entered advanced stages of talks to sell UberEat's India business to rival Zomato by the end of this year....
Facebook-owned WhatsApp has released a new beta that brings in a number of tweaks, includung a fix for a serious bug that caused the last version of WhatsApp beta for Android to crash for many users....
Samsung Electronics Co. will invest an additional $8 billion into its memory chip plant in Xian, China, officials have confirmed, as the South Korean tech giant further expands its presence in the world's second largest economy....
Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 is expected to feature an Ultra Thin Glass (UTG) display panel, which would fix some of the issues the original Fold had, namely the durability....
Microsoft's next-generation gaming console, formerly known as Project Scarlett, has been officially unveiled as the Xbox Series X and will hit the shelves in the holiday 2020....
San Francisco, Apple has revealed "Ultimate Rivals" from Bit Fry Game Studios, a new sports game franchise that brings together athletes across hockey, basketball, football, baseball and soccer into a single officially licensed video game, a first in sports and gaming....
San Francisco,Interpreter mode, the real-time translation tool is now rolling out to Assistant for Android and iOS users....
Washington,Undeterred by Amazon's lawsuit, Microsoft is going the whole hog on recruiting people for the prestigious $10 billion Pentagon Cloud project it won despite Amazon Web Services (AWS) being the favourite....