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Pakistan Army will help conduct PSL final in Lahore: Bajwa


Islamabad, Feb 14: Undeterred by the suicide attack in Lahore that claimed at least 16 lives, Army chief Gen Qamar Javaid Bajwa on Tuesday said the Pakistan Army will extend full support in hosting the Pakistan Super League final in the Punjab capital.

General Bajwa, on a visit to Corps Headquarters in Lahore, said that the attack was an attempt to sabotage the PSL final. "Army will extend full support to all concerned for holding the event as scheduled," he added.

He went on to say that such incidents could not lower their resolve to fight terrorism.

"Army will extend full support to all concerned for holding the event as scheduled," the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) quoted the army chief as saying.

"Terrorists of all hue and colour, their masters, financiers, planners and abettors including from outside will be hunted across the country, held accountable and responded to. Our gains over the years cannot be reversed," the army chief said.

He appreciated efforts of intelligence agencies in tracing culprits of Monday night blast which have resulted in important apprehensions overnight including few Afghans.

He directed to expedite efforts to unearth complete network.

Earlier PSL Chairman Najam Sethi said the league's finishing game will be held in Lahore if cricket fans and citizens of Pakistan were ready to watch the match without foreign players.