Kerala Health Minister Veena George on Friday said that 10,000 new yoga clubs would be set up across the state during the year. ...
Brokerage firm Zerodha's trading app Kite on Friday suffered another technical glitch, with users complaining of frozen screens and other issues. ...
Suffering from the prolonged walkout by junior doctors and the subsequent disruptions to the healthcare system in South Korea, patients will hold a rally on an unprecedented scale next month, officials said on Friday. ...
Self-styled godman Asaram, who is serving a life sentence in a rape case, has been admitted to All India Institue of Medical Science (AIIMS) in Jodhpur after he complained of chest pain. ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday greeted the people of the country and the World on the 10th International Day of Yoga while celebrating the event in J&K’s Srinagar city. ...
With Mumbai seeing the highest changes in the nighttime temperatures, India continues to suffer a severe heatwave, a new analysis on Friday showed climate change added nearly 50 to 80 nights each year where the temperature exceeded 25 degrees Celsius, with serious impacts on sleep and health. ...
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Governor Anandiben Patel led the International Yoga Day celebrations here on Friday at Raj Bhawan. ...
Yoga Nidra brought significant changes in the brain's functional connectivity during the practice, a first functional MRI (fMRI) study exploring the neural mechanisms underlying Yoga Nidra, showed on Thursday. ...
Doctors may soon be able to detect and diagnose cancer in patients using artificial intelligence (AI) that will allow for earlier treatment, a new study said on Thursday. ...
If you have ever had backache, you may know the initial relief when the pain subsides, only to suffer a nasty shock when it comes back. ...