Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, who is currently on a sabbatical, has lent her support to the book ‘In Her Defence: Ten Landmark Judgments ...
Soon after the ban on Salman Rushdie's 'The Satanic Verses' was lifted after 36 years, the mercurial excitement of readers drove them to bookstores...
The 'New York Times'-listed bestselling author and head of the Rockefeller Capital Management's international business, Ruchir Sharma, will be out with his new book,...
He makes it clear that the memoir is not about his theatre journey, nor the making of some of the finest theatre productions he has brought...
As his daughter, he treated her with the utmost care and was loving and protective. As a student, he was a hard, even harsh, taskmaster and pushed her to ...
Sampooran Singh Kalra, more famous by his pen name ‘Gulzar’, is renowned as a man and master of letters, in Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi, with over...
India owes its victory in the Kargil War of 1999 to the brave soldiers of its Army as well as the fighter pilots of the Air Force and the barely-acknowledged Navy....
It was a zany tale, spun on a somnolent summer afternoon boat ride in 1862 to entertain three young girls, but went on to become an abiding literary and cultural...
An emotive artistic work that has an underlying reference to violence stemming from man-animal confrontations, exemplified by the brutal killing of a pregnant elephant by feeding it with explosive-laden pineapple, is getting noticed at the Kochi Muziris Biennale....
Growing up in the vibrant surroundings of Central Delhi's Karol Bagh, Anupama Mohan began writing at the age of nine -- "at least, that's how far back my memory of something tangible -- a diary, a journal -- goes"....