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Nestle India asks why fresh tests on Maggi?


New Delhi, Oct 8  Nestle India on Thursday put a query to the apex consumer court as to why fresh tests were being allowed on Maggi noodles on food safety when a similar exercise had been ordered by the Bombay High Court and laboratory test reports were awaited.

The matter came up before the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission which heard the matter for around an hour and said it will resume at 2 pm. The bench of Justice V.K. Jain and Justice B.C. Gupta was hearing a class action suit filed against Nestle India.

"We are for the results of the samples from three laboratories as was ordered by the high court in few days. As such what is the need of parallel tests?" Nestle's attorney asked over the suit filed by the ministry of consumer affairs for alleged unfair trade practices by Nestle.