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Hillary Clinton picks Tim Kaine, Virginia senator and former governor, as her running mate


Washington, July 23 

Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has chosen Virginia Senator Tim Kaine to be her running mate.

"I'm thrilled to announce my running mate, @TimKaine, a man who's devoted his life to fighting for others," Clinton tweeted on Friday night.

In response, Kaine, also a former chairman of the he Democratic National Committee (January 2009 - April 2011), tweeted, "Just got off the phone with Hillary. I'm honoured to be her running mate. Can't wait to hit the trail tomorrow in Miami!" CNN reported.

Clinton will introduce her new partner at a campaign rally on Saturday in Miami, Florida. 

According to officials, Miami will be pivotal ahead of the Democratic National Convention slated to begin from July 25 as Kaine, 58, a fluent Spanish speaker, will introduce Clinton to Latino voters, a critical slice of the electorate in her quest to defeat rival Donald Trump.

Clinton is hoping to seize the spotlight from Republicans after their convention in Cleveland, CNN said. 

The site of Kaine's first joint appearance with Clinton is Florida International University, where the student body is more than half Hispanic.

Clinton's decision to choose Kaine began when Chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, John Podesta brought the candidate to her home in Chappaqua, New York, in April, according to a campaign official. 

Last week, Clinton and Kaine spent 90 minutes together, followed by another meeting on July 16 that brought together the two families, including Hillary's husband and former President Bill Clinton, daughter Chelsea Clinton and son-in-law Marc Mezvinsky, as well as Kaine's wife, Anna Holton, CNN quoted the campaign official as saying.

Ultimately, Clinton was swayed by her personal comfort with Kaine, as well as the belief that the senator is fully prepared to do the job. On Friday, Clinton called Kaine around 7.30 p.m., and then spoke with President Barack Obama informing him of her decision, the official added.

The Clinton campaign selected Kaine over a roster of at least three other senators and two Cabinet secretaries to Obama. 

At a joint campaign appearance last week in Virginia, which served as a final audition, Clinton stood side-by-side Kaine and beamed as he spoke of her virtues in Spanish, CNN noted.

"We all know we need a bridge builder, not a trash talker," Kaine said last week as he introduced Clinton at the Virginia rally.

With nearly three years of experience in the Senate under his belt, Kaine has beefed up his foreign policy credentials. He serves on both the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, CNN added.

Hillary Clinton has picked Senator Tim Kaine, who is a former governor of Virginia, as her running mate, adding a well-liked swing-state moderate with broad governing experience to the Democratic ticket, according to Los Angels Times.

Clinton’s choice of Kaine, 58, reflects her calculation that voters with doubts about both her and Republican nominee Donald Trump will respond to a doubling-down of her pitch for sober pragmatism, instead of a political wild card.

“I'm thrilled to share this news: I've chosen Tim Kaine as my running mate,” Hillary tweeted.

“Tim is a lifelong fighter for progressive causes and one of the most qualified vice presidential candidates in our nation's history.

But his credentials alone aren't why I asked him to run alongside me.

Like me, Tim grew up in the Midwest. During law school, he too took an unconventional path -- he took time off and went to Honduras to work with missionaries, practicing both his faith and his Spanish.

When he returned to the states and graduated from Harvard Law, he could have done anything. But instead of going to some big corporate firm, he chose to fight housing discrimination as a civil rights lawyer in Richmond. He and his wife joined a church, built a home centered around their faith, and raised three beautiful children. Then, after 17 years of practicing law, Tim ran for city council -- and won.

Tim says his experience on city council taught him everything he knows about politics. To the people in Richmond, an underfunded school wasn't a Democratic or Republican problem. It was simply a problem that needed fixing, and his constituents were counting on him to solve it. So Tim would do it. He'd roll up his sleeves and get the job done, no matter what.

He's a man of relentless optimism who believes no problem is unsolvable if you're willing to put in the work. That commitment to delivering results has stayed with him throughout his decades-long career as a public servant. So I could give you a laundry list of things he went on to accomplish -- as mayor of Richmond, governor of Virginia, and in the United States Senate.

But this is what's important: Tim has never taken a job for the glory or the title. He's the same person whether the cameras are on or off. He's sincerely motivated by the belief that you can make a difference in people's lives through public service.

That quality comes through in every interaction. To know Tim is to love him. When I was talking to people about this decision, I couldn't find anyone -- Democrat or Republican -- who had a bad thing to say about him. From his staff over the last 20 years to his colleagues in the Senate, Tim's beloved.

He is a genuinely nice person, but Tim is no one's punching bag. He will fight tooth and nail for American families, and he'll be a dogged fighter in our campaign against Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

I want you to know that I didn't make this decision lightly.

I've had the privilege of seeing two presidents and two vice presidents up close. I want a vice president who can be my partner in bringing this country together. I want someone who will be able to give me their best advice, look me in the eye, and tell me they disagree with me when they do.

But what matters most is a simple test that's not so simple to meet: whether the person could step in at a moment's notice and serve as president.

I have no doubt that Tim can do the job.

I want him by my side on the trail and in the White House.

Welcome him to our team, and let him know you're proud to have him. Chip in $3 or whatever you can today.”