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Facebook censored links to DNC emails disclosed by Wikileaks


New York, July 25 

Social networking giant Facebook has admitted to have blocked links to more than 19,000 leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that Wikileaks released last week, offering a glimpse of the split between the DNC and former presidential hopeful Senator Bernie Sanders, media has reported.

"For those facing censorship on Facebook etc when trying to post links directly to WikiLeaks #DNCLeak try using," said WikiLeaks in a Twitter post last weekend.

Some users also shared screenshots on the microblogging site that appeared to show the social media giant blocking certain links to the DNC email haul, The New York Post reported on Monday. 

"The content you're trying to share includes a link that our security systems detected to be unsafe," said the error message on Facebook.

Another Twitter user, @SwiftOnSecurity, tweeted that "Facebook has an automated system for detecting spam/malicious links, that sometimes have false positives," which prompted a response from the company's chief security officer.

Later in a response to the @SwiftOnSecurity tweet, Facebook Chief Security Officer Alex Stamos simply said: "It's been fixed."