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ADAM'S SONS(English Novel - 10) By Krishna


The man had definitely other intentions too.
Jolly, gay intentions.
But the foremost one was to stop Larry from returning the same day.
Making him absent from his home, during the night.
Because that was the instruction Rakesh had given to him.
He was paid for that service.
In cash, and liquor and food.
Because his pursuit was priceless for Rakesh.
To achieve something longed for a very long time.
To spend a night with Cathy.
A desire fluttering within him, restlessly, since the moment he saw her the first time.  The yearning never decreased but had grown so demanding that he was forced to discuss about her, even with Larry, to extract at least a perverted satisfaction leading Larry towards an incestuous relationship with his mom and also to take advantage of it.

When that did not appear to have produced any profitable result, he determined to get it achieved, come what may.

'She will not resist if I met her and talked to her.  I can persuade her.'  He was sure of it.
But Larry was the only impediment.

So he wanted Larry away for a night and planned matters accordingly.
“Why do you want him away for the night?  Any bird desiring to be released from stupid suffering?”  The friend had asked.
Rakesh winked at him.
“Then make me a partner.  Expenses fifty-fifty.”
“First let me get the chic in the net.  Then we will share it in our nest. Now do as I said.”
The guy left, satisfied.
“Bloody fool.  I won't let him go near her.  Let him cook and I will eat alone.” Rakesh said to himself.
He too was satisfied.

On the specified day, he reached home early, took a prolonged bath and dressed carefully, humming a popular tune all along.

Having made up himself, he came out.
“Where are you going in such a hurry? Lilly questioned from behind.  Anger was evident in her voice.
“I have told you several times not to call from behind, when I am on some important mission”.
“What mission today?  May I know? She was obviously making fun of him.
“An important meeting.”
“Will it last the entire night?  Or is it a two-hours-long-only meeting?” She asked in a mocking tone.
She knew very well about his 'meetings.'
He was irritated.  Turning to her, he said: 
“Shut up you, dirty bitch. Anymore comment and I will break your neck.”
He went fast.
“Let him break the neck.  His neck.”  She cursed.

It was about 6'o'clock, when he reached Larry's home.  Cathy had returned from work early, had taken her usual bath and was anxiously waiting for her son's arrival.  She opened the door as soon as he knocked it, with a happy, expectant smile, which made her face radiant and glowing
“A fairy as my hostess.”  He thought.
As soon as she saw him instead of Larry her entire mood changed.  The glow and radiance were replaced by panic.
“What happened?  Where is Larry?”  She asked breathlessly.
“Oh. Don't worry. He is all right. And my friend contacted me.  He said that since Larry has to attend an interview early morning tomorrow, he won't come today.”
“No. No. You are lying.  He will come.  I know.  I know it.” She blurted out.

She had hated Rakesh from the beginning, but she herself did not realize the depth of that hatred till now.  She wanted him to be away, away from her and her son.

The bad Omen of destruction.  A 'get-out-able' rogue.

But she could not say that.  Her soft nature and inherent purity did not permit the use of such extreme words.
He was perplexed.  This is not what he expected.

She dares to call me a liar.  Wait till I get at you.  I will make you whimper, make you pray for mercy and forgiveness. You will be promising to make me happy by all means, lest, I may throw you away.  Then I will tell you to call me a liar once more. Stupid bitch.
But first thing first.

She had come out by now.  He went inside and said:     
“Please come in. I have to say something.  It is secret and serious. Please.”
She hesitated, but thinking that something has gone wrong with her son, came near the door.
The owner afraid to enter inside while the outsider standing inside inviting the owner to enter inside!
“Don't worry.  There is no problem with the job.”
He tried to cool her down.
“Then what is the problem?”
“I find it difficult to explain if you go on standing outside as if I am a prisoner and ready to run away any moment.”
It was meant to be a joke and indeed it made her relax a little.
And she entered inside.
“Thanks.”  He said but she did not respond.
“He will get the job alright, but it took me a great deal of effort to persuade them. They also wanted an assurance from me that Larry is sincere and honest.”

She was looking silently at his face. He made himself believe that she was quite attentive, although he was not sure.

And in fact she was not listening to his words, but her intuition, which was alerting her against something.
She was standing near the window.  She turned her face to look out and saw that the night is almost at the doorstep.
Why is he so late?
While taking back her gaze from outside to inside, her eyes fell on something on the window-sill.
Rakesh continued:  â€œI have given them the assurance.” He said it as if his assurance was a very rare commodity and he parted with it only because it was so essential. “Now it is for you to tell him to be so.”
“He is sincere and honest,” she said flat. Take it or leave it.  I don't care.

“That I am sure. After all you are the one who brought him up”.  He threw the hook and sat down on the cot.

After all, women are fond of flattery.  It is the best fluid to dissolve their resistance.

But that was only his opinion and it was not applicable to Cathy.
She was thinking something else.
'Does this fellow know that I am not his real mother?  Why did he point out that I have only brought him up?'

Seeing her indifferent to his praise, he changed his strategy to a more direct one.  
“I find it difficult to go on speaking, if you go on standing there.  So sit here.”
He pointed at the cot.
But she did not even move.

“O.K., O.K. But at least get me some tea.”
You go inside and I follow. Then dong, dong.  He thought. Anticipation mixed in his voice as thick honey.
“Let him come.”  She did not even try to hide the irritation from her voice.
“But I told you no?  He will come only tomorrow.”
He checked himself, before the “I arranged it” escaped from his tongue.
“He will come,” she said with an air of finality.
Now he realized that the job is not as easy as he imagined.
He has to be more straight in expression.
“That is good.  But remember, if you behave like this, I will be forced to tell them not to consider him.”
The threat too had no effect.
“It is a question of his job.  His life.”
“So what?”
“I do all these for you” He looked at her bosom.  â€œYou have to be thankful.”

She was feeling bored.
“O.K. We are thankful to you.  And I will tell him.”
She did not add a “now you may leave” although it was quite clear.
“This is not the way to be thankful.  At least say it with a smile.”
“You may leave now.” She said.    
He got up.
“You are forgetting that it is about getting a job to Larry. And I can still spoil it.”
“He doesn't need the job.”
“How can you deny him the chance? And it will also give you a chance to have some rest and pleasure.” he smacked his lips.

Now she understood his real intention.
I have to be alert.
“I don't need the rest and pleasure.  And it is already night and I have works to finish. So good night.”
Her “Good Night” had only one meaning. 
Now he found no way to proceed.
Anger emitted hot fume through his nostrils.  Flames of violence showed in his eyes.
Now or Never.
And he was a 'now-man.'
Never a 'never–man' so far.
He walked towards her, kicking the door shut.
She was unable to decide as to how to escape.
Then she remembered.
The razor -blade on the window sill.

Slowly she moved towards the window, fixing her look on his face, as if to get away from him.
He advanced fast and caught hold of her right hand.
“You are an angel.” He was panting as if he was running for the last one hour. “I wanted you always, but you were avoiding. Now there is nothing to fear. Let us enjoy.”

In a split second, she bent down and took the blade in her left hand.  Holding it firmly she said:
“Keep away your hand.”
He released her hand but as soon as she withdrew it, he extended his hand to grip her hand holding the blade.
But it was a question of life and death for her.

She extended the hand with a determination, hitherto unknown, and scratched the blade with all her strength on his shirt, arm, shoulder, hand and fingers.

All these took only ten seconds.  His shirt was torn and red with their blood.

Because, in that fastest operation, she had made a cut on her finger too.

Pain seeped through him and his resolve was dripping as sweat on his face, which made his vision unclear.
Then he saw the blade extending towards his neck.

Terror took hold of him.  She was determined to cut him all over with a razor blade!
Beaten, tired and afraid, he moved back.

And the lady opened the door and came out.
What to do now? He thought.
“Now I am going to the police.” She said.
He could not find any reply.
“If you want to avoid it, come out you…you dirty creature.”
The black and red creature came out. 
“Go away now. And never look at this house again.”
However, his anger and frustration had not died down totally.
“I will show you, very soon. Make you pray for a quick death.  And I won't grand it.”
He turned and walked.
A shirtless man.
The shirt tied around his arm.
A red and white shirt, which appeared light dark in the deep black darkness around.
The pain increased and decreased alternately.
When it increased, he thought of himself.  The shame and failure.
And when it decreased, he thought of Cathy and his revenge.
Cruel, yet sweet, revenge.
And Cathy, having drained of all strength as soon as he left, went inside, bolted the door, sat down and hiding her face in her hands, wept.
